The serialization classes enable you to programmatically create eConnect document objects from your .NET application. However, to submit your document to the eConnect business objects, you must convert the .NET document object to the XML format that the business objects require. To convert a .NET document object to XML, use the .NET XmlSerializer and XmlDocument classes to produce a serialized version of your document.
In .NET, serialization is the process of converting an object into a form that can be persisted or transported. For eConnect, you typically convert your document object to a string. For more information about .NET serialization, refer to the .NET Framework SDK.
The following Visual Basic example shows how to create an eConnect sales invoice object and serializes the sales invoice to an XML file. The serialized information is then used with the CreateTransactionEntity method to create the sales invoice in Dynamic GP. As you review the example, note the following actions:
Imports System Imports System.Xml Imports System.Xml.Serialization Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect Imports Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization Public Class CreateInvoice Shared Sub Main() Dim salesInvoice As New CreateInvoice Dim salesOrderDocument As String Dim sConnectionString As String Dim eConCall As New eConnectMethods Try 'Call the SerializeSalesOrderObject subroutine and specify 'a file name salesInvoice.SerializeSalesOrderObject("SalesOrder.xml") 'Create an XML document object and load it with the XML from the 'file that the SerializeSalesOrder subroutine created Dim xmldoc As New Xml.XmlDocument xmldoc.Load("SalesOrder.xml") 'Convert the XML to a string salesOrderDocument = xmldoc.OuterXml 'Create a connection string to the Microsoft Dynamics GP server 'Integrated Security is required (Integrated security=SSPI) sConnectionString = "data source=localhost;" _ & "initial catalog=TWO;integrated security=SSPI;" _ & "persist security info=False; packet size=4096" 'Create the invoice in Microsoft Dynamics GP eConCall.CreateTransactionEntity(sConnectionString, _ salesOrderDocument) Catch exp As eConnectException Console.Write(exp.ToString) Catch ex As System.Exception Console.Write(ex.ToString) Finally eConCall.Dispose() End Try End Sub 'This subroutine creates an eConnect invoice XML document and 'writes the XML to a file Sub SerializeSalesOrderObject(ByVal filename As String) Dim salesOrder As New SOPTransactionType Dim salesLine As New taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert Dim salesLine2 As New taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert Dim salesHdr As New taSopHdrIvcInsert Dim LineItems(1) As taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert Try 'Populate the elements of the first invoice line With salesLine .Address1 = "2345 Main St.” .CUSTNMBR = "CONTOSOL0001" .SOPNUMBE = "INV2001" .CITY = "Aurora" .SOPTYPE = 3 .DOCID = "STDINV" .QUANTITY = 2 .ITEMNMBR = "ACCS-CRD-12Wh" .ITEMDESC = "Phone Cord – 12’ White" .UNITPRCE = 10.95 .XTNDPRCE = 21.9 .LOCNCODE = "WAREHOUSE" .DOCDATE = DateString 'Today End With 'Add the invoice line to the array LineItems(0) = salesLine 'Populate the elements of the second invoice line With salesLine2 .Address1 = "2345 Main St." .CUSTNMBR = "CONTOSOL0001" .SOPNUMBE = "INV2001" .CITY = "Aurora" .SOPTYPE = 3 .DOCID = "STDINV" .QUANTITY = 2 .ITEMNMBR = "ACCS-CRD-25BK" .ITEMDESC = "Phone Cord – 25’ Black" .UNITPRCE = 15.95 .XTNDPRCE = 31.9 .LOCNCODE = "WAREHOUSE" .DOCDATE = DateString 'Today End With 'Add the invoice line to the array LineItems(1) = salesLine2 'Use the array of invoice lines to populate the transaction types 'array of line items ReDim Preserve salesOrder.taSopLineIvcInsert_Items(1) salesOrder.taSopLineIvcInsert_Items = LineItems 'Populate the elements of the taSopHdrIvcInsert XML node With salesHdr .SOPTYPE = 3 .SOPNUMBE = "INV2001" .DOCID = "STDINV" .BACHNUMB = "eConnect" .TAXSCHID = "USASTCITY-6*" .FRTSCHID = "USASTCITY-6*" .MSCSCHID = "USASTCITY-6*" .LOCNCODE = "WAREHOUSE" .DOCDATE = DateString 'Today .CUSTNMBR = "CONTOSOL0001" .CUSTNAME = "Contoso, Ltd." .ShipToName = "WAREHOUSE" .ADDRESS1 = "2345 Main St." .CNTCPRSN = "Joe Healy" .FAXNUMBR = "13125550150" .CITY = "Aurora" .STATE = "IL" .ZIPCODE = "65700" .COUNTRY = "USA" .SUBTOTAL = 53.8 .DOCAMNT = 53.8 .USINGHEADERLEVELTAXES = 0 .PYMTRMID = "Net 30" End With 'Add the header node to the transaction type object salesOrder.taSopHdrIvcInsert = salesHdr 'Create an eConnect document object and populate it with 'the transaction type object Dim eConnect As New eConnectType ReDim Preserve eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0) eConnect.SOPTransactionType(0) = salesOrder 'Create a file on the hard disk Dim fs As New FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create) Dim writer As New XmlTextWriter(fs, New UTF8Encoding) 'Serialize using the XmlTextWriter to the file Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType (eConnectType)) serializer.Serialize(writer, eConnect) writer.Close() Catch ex As System.Exception Console.Write(ex.ToString) End Try End Sub End Class
If you use the example code to create the SalesOrder.xml file. the file should contain the following XML: