Element name |
Data type |
Length |
Required |
Default |
Description |
aaTrxDim |
string |
30 |
Y |
Not applicable |
AA Transaction Dimension The specified Transaction Dimension must already exist. Setup for the Transaction Dimension must enable adding codes. The checkbox 'Create New Codes On The Fly' on the Transaction Dimension Maintenance window enables |
aaTrxDimCode |
string |
30 |
Y |
Not applicable |
AA Transaction Dimension Code String reference to the desired transaction dimension code. It can exist to be updated or can be created on the fly |
string |
8000 |
N |
<blank> |
Create, update, or remove notes for the specified dimension code |
i4 |
2 |
N |
0 |
0 = Active, 1 = inactive New codes default to Active unless otherwise specified. Existing codes can be updated to either active or inactive based on the value (0 or 1) - If the Transaction Dimension / Transaction Dimension Code combination is setup as an owner of another it cannot be updated to inactive. |
aaTrxDimCodeDescr |
string |
50 |
N |
<blank> |
Transaction Dimension Code Description. Required for new codes. Existing description 1 string can be changed, but cannot be left blank |
aaTrxDimCodeDescr2 |
string |
50 |
N |
<blank> |
Transaction Dimension Code Description 2. Optional for both new created codes and existing code updates |
aaNode |
string |
50 |
N |
<blank> |
Required for new codes and can be changed using update logic. Node must exist and be already be linked to the Transaction Dimension. The Node and the Node Link cannot be created on the fly |
aaOwnedBy |
string |
30 |
N |
<blank> |
Transaction Dimension Code Owner. Required for new codes that have a transaction dimension owned by another transaction dimension. This is available only if the transaction dimension selected is owned by another transaction dimension and both are of the alphanumeric type |
aaUDFText1 |
string |
31 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined text1 |
aaUDFText2 |
string |
31 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined text2 |
aaUDFText3 |
string |
31 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined text3 |
aaUDFText4 |
string |
31 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined text4 |
aaUDFText5 |
string |
31 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined text5 |
aaUDFDate1 |
datetime |
16 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined date1 |
aaUDFDate2 |
datetime |
16 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined date2 |
aaUDFDate3 |
datetime |
16 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined date3 |
aaUDFDate4 |
datetime |
16 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined date4 |
aaUDFDate5 |
datetime |
16 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined date5 |
aaUDFNumeric1 |
number |
12 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined numeric1 |
aaUDFNumeric2 |
number |
12 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined numeric2 |
aaUDFNumeric3 |
number |
12 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined numeric3 |
aaUDFNumeric4 |
number |
12 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined numeric4 |
aaUDFNumeric5 |
number |
12 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined numeric5 |
aaUDFBoolean1 |
i4 |
2 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined boolean1 |
aaUDFBoolean2 |
i4 |
2 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined boolean2 |
aaUDFBoolean3 |
i4 |
2 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined boolean3 |
aaUDFBoolean4 |
i4 |
2 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined boolean4 |
aaUDFBoolean5 |
i4 |
2 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined boolean5 |
UpdateIfExists |
i4 |
2 |
N |
1 |
Flag that specifies whether to update the data if it exists: 0 = Create only (returns an error if the transaction dimension code already exists); 1 = Update if exists (if the specified transaction dimension code does not exist, the code is not created and no error is returned); 2 = Create, do not update (does not returns an error if the transaction dimension code already exists) |
RequesterTrx |
i4 |
2 |
N |
0 |
Requester transaction: 0 = False; 1 = True (if True, the Requester shadow table is populated) (Not Used) |
string |
50 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined field - developer use only |
string |
50 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined field - developer use only |
string |
50 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined field - developer use only |
string |
8000 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined field - developer use only |
string |
8000 |
N |
<blank> |
User-defined field - developer use only |
When an update is performed, elements that are not specifically included in the <taAATrxDimCodeMaint> node retain their existing values. To remove values from a specific element, complete an update that removes the existing value from that element. The following table displays the values to use to remove the data from an element of each data type.
Data type |
Updated value |
string |
‘’ (empty string) |
datetime |
‘’ (empty date) |
number |
0 |
boolean |
0 |