Checking Links
Checking links examines tables, checking corresponding information in related tables and, if possible, changing the damaged data to match the corresponding data in an undamaged table. If you were alerted to damage by an alert message indicating damage to a specific table, the name of the table wont be listed in the Check Links window.
To check links:
1. | Be sure that no one is using Microsoft Dynamics GP. To view which users are in the Microsoft Dynamics GP system and where, choose Microsoft Dynamics GP menu >> Tools >> Setup >> System >> User Activity. |
2. | Make a backup. Always make a backup before checking links. |
3. | Open the Check Links window. (Microsoft Dynamics GP menu >> Tools >> Extender >> Extender >> Check Links). |
4. | Select the resources to check links for, and choose Insert. To remove any table from the Selected Tables list, highlight the table name and choose Remove. |
5. | Choose OK to check links for the selected tables and print the Check Links Report. |
We recommend that you send the Check Links Report to the screen, and then print it if necessary, because it may be very large. Each report can only be printed once each time you check links, so its a good idea to send the report to a file as well. |