Using Detail Forms

After creating a Detail Form, you can test it using the main Extender window. The user interface for a Detail Form is the same as a standard Microsoft Dynamics GP window, using the same fields and controls.

To open a Detail Form:

1. Open the Extender window (Microsoft Dynamics GP menu >> Tools >> Extender >> Extender)
2. Select Detail Forms from the Extender Objects list.
3. Select the Detail Form that you want to open from the Extender Resources list.
4. Click the GoTo button and select Use Form.

To enter data into a Detail Form:

1. Open the Detail Form.
2. Enter values for the ID and Description fields.
3. Enter values for the fields on the Detail Form.
4. Enter values for the fields of the detail lines on the Detail Form.
5. Click Save.

To delete a Detail Form record:

1. Open the Detail Form.
2. Enter the ID of the record that you want to remove.
3. Click Delete.

The duplicate function on an Extender Detail Form allows you to create an exact copy of a record on a Detail Form with a new ID field.

To duplicate a Detail Form record:

1. Open the Detail Form.
2. Enter the ID of the record that you want to duplicate.
3. Click Duplicate.
4. Enter a new ID field.
5. Click Save.


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