Each table has three names – a table name, display name and physical name.
Table names are comprised of a two-, three- or four-character module abbreviation, followed by a term that describes the contents of the table, and a three- or four-character main table type abbreviation, following this format:
When appropriate, use a sub-type abbreviation before the main-type abbreviation to further define the table. Use sub-types to distinguish tables that are included within a table group. (The main type indicates the table group to which the tables belong.) If it’s included, the sub-type abbreviation appears before the main type abbreviation, in the following order:
The following tables indicate the currently-accepted standard abbreviations for table names. These abbreviations should always appear in uppercase.
Module |
Technical abbreviation |
Advanced Financial Analysis |
Cash Management |
CM |
General Ledger |
GL |
Inventory Control |
IV |
Invoicing |
Multicurrency Management |
MC |
Payables Management |
PM |
Payroll – Canada |
Payroll – USA |
Purchase Order Processing |
Receivables Management |
RM |
Sales Order Processing |
System Manager |
SY |
Taxes |
TX |
Sub-type |
Technical abbreviation |
Address |
Batch header |
Detail |
Table Header |
Header |
Header tax |
Line item |
Line tax |
Serial number |
Main table type |
Technical abbreviation |
History |
Master |
Open |
Relation |
Report Options |
Setup |
Summary |
Temp |
Work |
Each table also has a display name that may appear in windows or on reports. Display names don’t use underscores or abbreviations.
Display name |
Technical name |
Account Master |
GL_Account_MSTR |
Budget Master |
GL_Budget_MSTR |
Payables Vendor Master |
PM_Vendor_MSTR |
Transaction Work |
Transaction Amounts Work |
Display names should begin with a one-word module or series identifier, such as Receivables or Financials. If the table contains master records and is included in System Manager, use the master record type, such as Customer or Account instead of a module identifier.
Display names for table groups typically end in Master, Work, Setup, History or Open. The table group’s display name should be the same as the primary table in the group.
Physical names (names applied to a table by the operating system) are alphanumeric, typically comprised of three segments, as shown in the following table:
Segment |
Length |
Module abbreviation |
2 characters |
Table type + sequence number |
3 digits |
Variant number |
2 digits |
The table type is a code corresponding to the type of data the table stores. Table types and their corresponding values are shown in the following table.
Table type |
Table type value |
Master |
000 - 099 |
Work |
100 - 199 |
Open |
200 - 299 |
History |
300 - 399 |
Setup |
400 - 499 |
Temp |
500 - 599 |
Relation |
600 - 699 |
Report options |
700 - 799 |
The sequence number is a way of categorizing different tables that have the same table type (such as master or work), and are not in the same table group. For example, the GL_Budget_MSTR table has a physical name of GL00200 (sequence number of “2”), and GL_Account_MSTR table has a physical name of GL00100 (sequence number of “1”). Both of these store master record data, but do not belong to the same table group.
The variant number indicates the order the table belongs in a table group. For example, the following chart shows tables in the Account Master table group in the order they appear in the group. Notice that the variant number increments for each table in the group.
Table Group Member |
Physical Name |
GL_Account_MSTR |
GL00100 |
GL_Account_SUM_MSTR |
GL00101 |
GL_Account_Category_MSTR |
GL00102 |
GL_Allocation_Fixed_MSTR |
GL00103 |
GL_Allocation_Variable_MSTR |
GL00104 |
Names for a table key consist of the table name followed by [_Keyn] where n is the number of the key. By including the table name, you won’t inadvertently create duplicate key names. For example, the first two keys for the Inventory Item Master Table are IV_Item_MSTR_Key1 and IV_Item_MSTR_Key2.