Native pictures

We use naming conventions for native pictures that are used with push buttons and visual switches.

Native pictures with push buttons

Native pictures used with push buttons (for example, the lookup button) typically use the following naming format:

[PB][_Native_Picture_Name][_Up | _Dn][TB | WA | WCA][_P | _P&T | _T]

Names for native pictures used with push buttons indicate the control type, name, position and whether the picture contains pictures, text or both:


In the example above, the first part (PB) indicates that the native picture is to be used with a push button data type, followed by the name of the button (Note Absent). “Up” or “Dn” indicates the button position depicted by the native picture. The location of the picture in the window is indicated by TB (tool bar), WA (window area) and WCA (window control area). The last part denotes that the native picture uses only a picture (P). The name will also indicate whether the picture uses text (T) or pictures and text (P&T).

Native pictures with visual switches

Native pictures used with push buttons use the following naming format:

[VS][_Native_Picture_Name][_Up | _Dn][_P | _P&T | _T]

Names for native pictures used with a visual switch indicate the control type, name, position and location they appear in the window:


In the example above, the first part (VS) indicates that the native picture is to be used with a visual switch data type, followed by the name of the button (Stick Pin). “Up” or “Dn” indicate the position depicted by the native picture. The location of the picture is indicated by TB (tool bar), WA (window area) and WCA (window control area).

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