Report Writer function reference

The following Report Writer functions can be used to return data to a calculated field for a report. Select the function appropriate for the type of information you want to retrieve.


This function returns a currency amount or integer value to the calculated field. It can be used in the header or body of a report. The function has the following parameters:

function returns currency sData;

in integer Dict_ID;
in string Report_Name;
in string sNumber;
in integer sType;
in integer iControl;

Dict_ID – An integer specifying the dictionary ID of the product that must process the request for data. The trigger processing function must check this parameter to determine whether it should process the request.

Report_Name – A string containing the name of the report on which the calculated field will be used. You may not need to use this parameter. If it’s not needed, an empty string should be supplied when creating the calculated field.

sNumber – A string that will typically contain the ID of the transaction or other item for which additional information is being retrieved. For example, this may be the SOP Number.

sType – An integer that is typically used to indicate a document type.

iControl – An integer that is used to indicate which piece of data to return. The trigger processing procedure will examine this parameter to determine which data to retrieve and return.


This function returns a string value to the calculated field. It can be used in the header or body of a report. The function has the following parameters:

function returns string sData;

in integer Dict_ID;
in string Report_Name;
in string sNumber;
in integer sType;
in integer iControl;

Dict_ID – An integer specifying the dictionary ID of the product that must process the request for data. The trigger processing function must check this parameter to determine whether it should process the request.

Report_Name – A string containing the name of the report on which the calculated field will be used. You may not need to use this parameter. If it’s not needed, an empty string should be supplied when creating the calculated field.

sNumber – A string that will typically contain the ID of the transaction or other item for which additional information is being retrieved. For example, this may be the SOP Number.

sType – An integer that is typically used to indicate a document type.

iControl – An integer that is used to indicate which piece of data to return. The trigger processing procedure will examine this parameter to determine which data to retrieve and return.


This function returns a currency amount or integer value to the calculated field. It is typically used in the line items (additional header sections) of a report. The function has the following parameters:

function returns currency sData;

in integer Dict_ID;
in string Report_Name;
in string sNumber;
in integer sType;
in currency cSequenceOne;
in currency cSequenceTwo;
in integer iControl;

Dict_ID – An integer specifying the dictionary ID of the product that must process the request for data. The trigger processing function must check this parameter to determine whether it should process the request.

Report_Name – A string containing the name of the report on which the calculated field will be used. You may not need to use this parameter. If it’s not needed, an empty string should be supplied when creating the calculated field.

sNumber – A string that will typically contain the ID of the transaction or other item for which additional information is being retrieved. For example, this may be the SOP Number.

sType – An integer that is typically used to indicate a document type.

cSequenceOne – A currency value typically used to identify the line item for which additional data is being retrieved. For typical SOP integrations, this will be the Component Sequence field. For typical POP integrations, this will be the Break Field 1 field.

cSequenceTwo – A currency value typically used to identify the line item for which additional data is being retrieved. For typical SOP integrations, this will be the Line Item Sequence field. For typical POP integrations, this parameter can remain empty.

iControl – An integer that is used to indicate which piece of data to return. The trigger processing procedure will examine this parameter to determine which data to retrieve and return.


This function returns a string value to the calculated field. It is typically used in the line items (additional header sections) of a report. The function has the following parameters:

function returns string sData;

in integer Dict_ID;
in string Report_Name;
in string sNumber;
in integer sType;
in currency cSequenceOne;
in currency cSequenceTwo;
in integer iControl;

Dict_ID – An integer specifying the dictionary ID of the product that must process the request for data. The trigger processing function must check this parameter to determine whether it should process the request.

Report_Name – A string containing the name of the report on which the calculated field will be used. You may not need to use this parameter. If it’s not needed, an empty string should be supplied when creating the calculated field.

sNumber – A string that will typically contain the ID of the transaction or other item for which additional information is being retrieved. For example, this may be the SOP Number.

sType – An integer that is typically used to indicate a document type.

cSequenceOne – A currency value typically used to identify the line item for which additional data is being retrieved. For typical SOP integrations, this will be the Component Sequence field. For typical POP integrations, this will be the Break Field 1 field.

cSequenceTwo – A currency value typically used to identify the line item for which additional data is being retrieved. For typical SOP integrations, this will be the Line Item Sequence field. For typical POP integrations, this parameter can remain empty.

iControl – An integer that is used to indicate which piece of data to return. The trigger processing procedure will examine this parameter to determine which data to retrieve and return.


This function can be called to notify the third-party application that the report has started. It is typically called from a calculated field in the Report Header section. of a report. The function has the following parameters:

function returns string Ret_Val;

in integer Dict_ID;
in string Report_Name;

Dict_ID – An integer specifying the dictionary ID of the product that must process the request for data. The trigger processing function must check this parameter to determine whether it should process the request.

Report_Name – A string containing the name of the report on which the calculated field will be used. You may not need to use this parameter. If it’s not needed, an empty string should be supplied when creating the calculated field.


This function can be called to notify the third-party application that the report has ended. It is typically called from a calculated field in the Report Footer section of a report. The function has the following parameters:

function returns string Ret_Val;

in integer Dict_ID;
in string Report_Name;

Dict_ID – An integer specifying the dictionary ID of the product that must process the request for data. The trigger processing function must check this parameter to determine whether it should process the request.

Report_Name – A string containing the name of the report on which the calculated field will be used. You may not need to use this parameter. If it’s not needed, an empty string should be supplied when creating the calculated field.

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