Use an OK button on windows used solely for viewing information (such as an inquiry window) or on setup or preferences windows, used in maintaining a single record. For windows whose contents are display only, an OK button can appear by itself.
For setup and preferences windows, use a Cancel button with an OK button. The OK button should always save changes to a preferences file or a setup table. In addition, always run the OK button change script when the user presses the ENTER key. To do this, set the OK button’s Default property to True.
The following example saves changes made to the User Preferences window. It saves preferences for the current user to the SY_Users_MSTR table, and sets global variables.
{Save the record.} copy to table SY_Users_MSTR; save table SY_Users_MSTR; clear changes window User_Preferences; {Set global variables.} 'Print to Printer' of globals = 'Print to Printer'; 'Print to Screen' of globals = 'Print to Screen'; 'Distributed Processes' of globals = 'Distributed Processes'; close form SY_User_Preferences;