The Show/Hide Detail button toggles the lookup’s scrolling window between normal and expanded mode.
When the scrolling window is displaying details, the items shown in normal mode are displayed in bold text. The additional items are shown in plain text. If they require additional explanation, the additional items can have prompts. These prompts are also displayed in plain text.
To add a show/hide details button to a lookup window, use the following procedure.
Create a local field named ‘ShrinkExpandSwitch’ for your lookup form. This local field has the following characteristics:
Field Name |
ShrinkExpandSwitch |
Control Type |
Visual Switch |
Static Type |
Picture |
Use the images named SW_ShowSummary_PB_Up and SW_ShowDetail_PB_Up from the Dynamics.dic dictionary as the two pictures for the visual switch.
Drag the local field onto the lookup window layout. Set the following Object properties for the field:
TabStop |
False |
Tooltip |
Show Details |
Set the following Visual properties for the field:
Appearance |
3D Highlight |
BackColor |
Transparent |
Border |
False |
Attach a change script to the field, similar to the following example. This script sets the mode of the scrolling window in the lookup. It also dynamically changes the style of the text displayed in the lookup window, based on whether details are being shown.
local boolean result; if '(L) ShrinkExpandSwitch' = 1 then {Make the first line of fields in the scrolling window plain.} result = Field_SetFontStyle('Lead ID' of window Lead_Lookup_Scroll, FONT_STYLE_PLAIN); result = Field_SetFontStyle('Lead Name' of window Lead_Lookup_Scroll, FONT_STYLE_PLAIN); result = Field_SetFontStyle('Salesperson ID' of window Lead_Lookup_Scroll, FONT_STYLE_PLAIN); {Shrink the scrolling window.} expand window Lead_Lookup_Scroll, false; {Set the tooltip for the button.} result = Field_SetToolTip('(L) ShrinkExpandSwitch', "Show Details"); else {Make the first line of fields in the scrolling window bold.} result = Field_SetFontStyle('Lead ID' of window Lead_Lookup_Scroll, FONT_STYLE_BOLD); result = Field_SetFontStyle('Lead Name' of window Lead_Lookup_Scroll, FONT_STYLE_BOLD); result = Field_SetFontStyle('Salesperson ID' of window Lead_Lookup_Scroll, FONT_STYLE_BOLD); {Expand the scrolling window.} expand window Lead_Lookup_Scroll, true; {Set the tooltip for the button.} result = Field_SetToolTip('(L) ShrinkExpandSwitch', "Hide Details"); end if;