The Action Pane for a list is initially built the first time the list is opened. This is the default layout for the Action Pane. Users can customize the Action Pane for the additional list views they create. How you add actions to the Action Pane depends on whether you are adding actions to your own list or to an existing Microsoft Dynamics GP list.
The data for each action is stored in the sy07240 table in the DYNAMICS database. As you add actions, you may need to reset the actions that appear for a list. To do this, you will need to delete the appropriate rows from the sy07240 table.
If you are creating your own list, you will add items to the Action Pane using one of the procedures provided for the list. For card lists, this is described in Action Pane. For transaction lists, this is described in Action Pane.
If you are adding your actions to a Microsoft Dynamics GP list, you will register a trigger for the TRIGGER_LoadRibbonData procedure of form syListObj. The trigger processing procedure will add your actions to the Action Pane for a specific list.
The following example is a portion of the Startup script for the sample integrating application. It registers the trigger for the TRIGGER_LoadRibbonData procedure of the syListObj form.
l_result = Trigger_RegisterProcedure(script TRIGGER_LoadRibbonData of form syListObj, TRIGGER_AFTER_ORIGINAL, script IG_AddCustomerActions); if l_result <> SY_NOERR then warning "Procedure trigger registration failed."; end if;
The trigger processing procedure that adds items to the Action Pane has a list object variable passed into it. You will use this object to determine which list is being displayed, and whether you need to add your actions to the list’s Action Pane. To determine which list is being displayed, examine the list object’s ListID component. It will correspond to one of the following constants:
Constant |
List |
Form |
Accounts card list |
ListObj_Accounts |
Accounts transaction list |
ListObj_AccountTrx |
Purchasing transaction list (including all POP and PM transactions) |
ListObj_PurchasingTrx |
Sales transaction list (including all SOP, RM, and IVC transactions) |
ListObj_SalesTrx |
Checkbooks card list |
ListObj_Checkbooks |
Customers card list |
ListObj_Customers |
Employees card list |
ListObj_Employees |
General Ledger batches card list |
ListObj_Batches |
Items card list |
ListObj_Items |
Items transaction list |
ListObj_ItemsTrx |
Invoicing transaction list |
ListObj_SalesTrx |
Payables batches card list |
ListObj_Batches |
Payables transaction list |
ListObj_PurchasingTrx |
Purchase order transaction list |
ListObj_PurchasingTrx |
Prospects card list |
ListObj_Prospects |
All Reports report list |
syReportList |
Company Report report list |
syReportList |
Custom Report report list |
syReportList |
Financial report list |
syReportList |
Inventory report list |
syReportList |
Payroll report list |
syReportList |
Purchasing report list |
syReportList |
Sales report list |
syReportList |
SmartList Favorites report list |
syReportList |
System report list |
syReportList |
Receivables batches card list |
ListObj_Batches |
Receivables transaction list |
ListObj_SalesTrx |
Salespeople card list |
ListObj_Salesperson |
Sales order transaction list |
ListObj_SalesTrx |
Vendors card list |
ListObj_Vendors |
The following example is the trigger processing procedure for the sample integrating application that adds the Contact History action to the Customer card list. Notice how it verifies that the Customer list is being displayed, and locates the position of the item to be added.
inout ListObjState list_object; local integer seq; local integer nStatus; local boolean exists; {Is this the Customers list?} if list_object:ListID = LISTID_CUSTOMERS then {Does the Contact History command exist for the list? If not, add it.} exists = ExistsAsAction(IG_PROD_ID, resourceid(form Command_IG_Sample), resourceid(command IG_Contact_History of form Command_IG_Sample), DYNAMICS, LISTID_CUSTOMERS, LIST_PRIMARYVIEWID) of form syListViewCmdBarObj; if exists = false then {Find the Remove Hold command} seq = FindCommandInCmdList(DYNAMICS, LISTID_CUSTOMERS, LIST_PRIMARYVIEWID, DYNAMICS, resourceid(form ListObj_Customers), resourceid(command CL_ModifyGroup of form ListObj_Customers), DYNAMICS, resourceid(form ListObj_Customers), resourceid(command Remove_Hold of form ListObj_Customers)) of form syListViewCmdBarObj; {If the command was found, add the Contact History command} if seq <> 0 then seq = seq + 1; nStatus = AddCommand(DYNAMICS, LISTID_CUSTOMERS, LIST_PRIMARYVIEWID, DYNAMICS, resourceid(form ListObj_Customers), resourceid(command CL_ModifyGroup of form ListObj_Customers), seq, IG_PROD_ID, resourceid(form Command_IG_Sample), resourceid(command IG_Contact_History of form Command_IG_Sample), LISTACTIONPRIORITY_SECONDARY, LISTACTIONBTNSIZE_SMALL, "" {caption}, true {visible}, true {clone for all list view}) of form syListViewCmdBarObj; end if; end if; {Register the Contact History action} List_RegisterAction(list_object, command IG_Contact_History of form Command_IG_Sample, LISTCMDTYPE_SINGLESELECT, ACTION_CONTACT_HISTORY_ENCODED) of form syListObj; end if;