Information Pane procedure reference

The following is a list of the form-level procedures and their corresponding parameters for each core list defined in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Use this information when creating the trigger processing procedures needed to add additional data to the Information Pane.

Accounts card list

The XML_CreateHeaderSection procedure has the following parameters:

in table AccountListTemp;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

Accounts transaction list

The XML_CreateHeaderSection procedure has the following parameters:

in anonymous table TrxHdr;
in integer nTrxStatus;
in integer nTrxType;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

TrxHdr table can be:


TrxStatus can be:


TrxType can be:


The XML_CreateLineColumnHeaders procedure has the following parameters:

in integer nTrxType;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

The XML_AddLineItem procedure has the following parameters:

in anonymous table TrxHdr;
in anonymous table TrxLine;
in integer nTrxStatus;
in integer nTrxType;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

TrxHdr table can be:


TrxLine can be:


TrxStatus can be:


TrxType can be:


All Purchasing transactions list

See Payables transactions list.

All Sales transactions list

See Receivables transactions list

Checkbooks card list

The XML_CreateHeaderSection procedure has the following parameters:

in table CM_Checkbook_MSTR;
inout ListObjState Me;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

Customers card list

The XML_CreateHeaderSection procedure has the following parameters:

in table RM_Customer_MSTR;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

Employees card list

The XML_CreateHeaderSection procedure has the following parameters:

in table EmployeeListTemp;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

General Ledger batches card lists

The XML_CreateHeaderSection procedure has the following parameters:

in table Batch_Headers;
in long nSubList;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

SubList can be:


Invoice transactions list

See Receivables transactions list.

Items card list

The XML_CreateHeaderSection procedure has the following parameters:

in table IV_ItemList_View;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

Items transactions list

The XML_CreateHeaderSection procedure has the following parameters:

in anonymous table TrxHdr;
in integer nTrxStatus;
in integer nTrxType;
in 'History Module' sHistModule
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

TrxHdr can be:


TrxStatus can be:


TrxType can be:


History Module can be:


The XML_CreateLineColumnHeaders procedure has the following parameters:

in anonymous table TrxHdr;
in integer nTrxType;
in 'History Module' sHistModule;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

TrxHdr can be:


TrxType can be:


History Module can be:


The XML_AddLineItem procedure has the following parameters:

in anonymous table TrxLine;
in integer nTrxStatus;
in integer nTrxType;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

TrxLine can be:


TrxStatus can be:


TrxType can be:


Payables batches card list.

See General Ledger batches card lists.

Payables transactions list

The XML_CreateHeaderSection procedure has the following parameters:

inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;
in anonymous table TrxHdr;
in integer nTrxStatus;
in integer nSource;
in integer nTrxType;

TrxHdr can be:


TrxStatus can be:


Source can be:


TrxType can be:


The XML_CreateLineColumnHeaders procedure has the following parameters:

inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;
inout anonymous table TrxHdr;
in integer nTrxStatus;
in integer nSource;

TrxHdr can be:


TrxStatus can be:


Source can be:


TrxType can be:


The XML_AddLineItem procedure has the following parameters:

inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;
inout anonymous table TrxLine;
in integer nTrxStatus;
in integer nSource;
in integer nRcptType;

TrxLine can be:


TrxStatus can be:


Source can be:


RcptType can be one of the following:

For POP Purchase Order Documents:


For POP Receipt Documents:


For PM Documents:


Propects card list

The XML_CreateHeaderSection procedure has the following parameters:

in table SOP_Prospect_MSTR;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

Purchase Order Processing transactions list

See Payables transactions list.

Receivables batches card list

See General Ledger batches card lists.

Receivables transactions list

The XML_CreateHeaderSection procedure has the following parameters:

in anonymous table TrxHdr;
in integer nSource;
in integer nDocStatus;
in 'Document Type' nDocType;
in 'SOP Number' sSOPNum;
in 'Invoice Number' sIVCNum;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

TrxHdr can be:


Source can be:


DocStatus can be:


Document Type can be:


The XML_CreateLineColumnHeaders procedure has the following parameter:

inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

The XML_AddLineItem procedure has the following parameters:

in anonymous table TrxHdr;
in anonymous table TrxLine;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

TrxHdr can be:


TrxLine can be:


Sales Order Processing transactions list

See Receivables transactions list.

Salespeople card list

The XML_CreateHeaderSection procedure has the following parameters:

in table RM_Salesperson_MSTR;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

Vendor card list

The XML_CreateHeaderSection procedure has the following parameters:

in table PM_Vendor_MSTR;
inout ListPrevPaneXMLState XMLState;

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