Table access

The syCardList form in the Dynamics.dic dictionary must be able to access the main table used for your card list. A reference to the main table for the card list provides this access. You create this reference using a global procedure for your integration. For example, the following is the procedure in the sample integrating application that creates a reference to the IG_Leads_List_TEMP table for the Leads list.

Procedure name: AssignTableRef_LeadList


if isopen(form syCardList) then
	assign 'Table Reference' of window CardList of form syCardList as reference to table IG_Leads_List_TEMP;
end if;

The procedure that assigns the table reference must be called each time the card list is displayed. This in done using a trigger that will call the AssignTableRef procedure you just created. The procedure trigger is created in the RegisterTableRefTrigger procedure that is part of your card list form. The following is the RegisterTableRefTrigger procedure for the Leads list.

inout integer nTriggerTag;

local integer nStatus;

nStatus = Trigger_RegisterFocus(anonymous('Attach Button' of window CardList of form syCardList), TRIGGER_FOCUS_CHANGE, TRIGGER_AFTER_ORIGINAL, script AssignTableRef_LeadList, nTriggerTag);
if nStatus <> SY_NOERR then
	error "Could not register the RegisterTableRefTrigger for the Leads list";
end if;

The tag for this trigger is automatically saved so that this trigger can be unregistered when another list is displayed.

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