
This procedure is called for list columns added to a SmartList object. If the list field for the column is 0-based (radio groups) the value 0 should be returned. If the list field for the column is 1-based (all other types of list fields) the value 1 should be returned.

The procedure must have the following parameters:

out integer OUT_DDL_Type;
in integer IN_Object_Dict_ID;
in integer IN_Object_Type;
in integer IN_Field_Dict_ID;
in integer IN_Field_ID;

OUT_DDL_Type – An integer that must be set by the procedure to indicate the type of list field for the field. The value 0 indicates a 0-based list, while the value 1 indicates a 1-based list.

IN_Object_Dict_ID – An integer specifying the ID of the dictionary that defines the SmartList object.

IN_Object_Type – An integer specifying the type of SmartList object. For SmartLists defined in the core application, the value corresponds to one of the constants defined in SmartList objects.

IN_Field_Dict_ID – An integer specifying the ID of the dictionary that defines the field for which the list type is being retrieved.

IN_Field_ID – An integer specifying the resource ID of the field for which the list type is being retrieved.

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