This procedure begins the process of retrieving and displaying records for a SmartList object. It is called when no search criteria have been specified. It is also called when search criteria are specified, but the SmartList object has not been optimized for SQL Server. Most of the parameters for this script will simply be passed to other SmartList procedures.
The procedure must have the following parameters:
in integer IN_Object_Dict_ID; in integer IN_Object_Type; in Explorer_INT_List IN_Field_Dict_ID; in Explorer_INT_List IN_Field; in Explorer_INT_List IN_Type; in Explorer_STR30_List IN_Search_From; in Explorer_STR30_List IN_Search_To; in Explorer_BOOL_List IN_Match_Case; in integer IN_Global_Search_Type; in integer IN_Total_Sub_Items; in Explorer_Resource_List IN_Dict_List; in Explorer_Resource_List IN_Field_List; in Explorer_Field_Comparison IN_Field_Comparison; in Explorer_Start_Comp_Field_ID IN_Start_Comp_Field_ID; in Explorer_Start_Comp_Field_Dict IN_Start_Comp_Field_Dict; in Explorer_End_Comp_Field_ID IN_End_Comp_Field_ID; in Explorer_End_Comp_Field_Dict IN_End_Comp_Field_Dict; in Explorer_Start_Date_Token_DDL IN_Date_Token_From; in Explorer_End_Date_Token_DDL IN_Date_Token_To; inout long IO_Max_Records; in boolean IN_GetSummary; in integer IN_SummaryType; inout integer IO_nSummaryCount; in integer IN_nSummaryFieldDictID; in integer IN_nSummaryFieldID; inout currency IO_cyColumnTotal;
IN_Object_Dict_ID – An integer specifying the ID of the dictionary that defines the SmartList object.
IN_Object_Type – An integer specifying the type of SmartList object. For SmartLists defined in the core application, the value corresponds to one of the constants defined in SmartList objects.
IN_Field_Dict_ID – An array of four integers containing the IDs of the dictionaries that define the fields being searched.
IN_Field – An array of four integers containing the resource IDs of the fields that are being searched.
IN_Type – An array of four integers that represent the type of search being performed on each search field.
IN_Search_From – An array of four strings that the search fields will be compared to.
IN_Search_To – An array of four strings that the search fields will be compared to.
IN_Match_Case – An array of four boolean values indicating whether the search should match case.
IN_Global_Search_Type – An integer indicating whether the search is “Match All” or “Match 1 or More”.
IN_Total_Sub_Items – An integer that specifies the total number of subitems that will appear in the SmartList.
IN_Dict_List – Any array of 256 integers that contain the product IDs of the fields to be added to the SmartList.
IN_Field_List – An array of 256 integers that contain the resource IDs of the fields to be added to the SmartList.
IN_Field_Comparison – An array of four booleans indicating whether the search is a field to field comparison.
IN_Start_Comp_Field_ID – An array of four integers that contain the resource IDs of the fields to be compared.
IN_Start_Comp_Field_Dict – An array of four integers that contain the product IDs of the fields to be compared.
IN_End_Comp_Field_ID – An array of four integers that contain the resource IDs of the fields to be compared.
IN_End_Comp_Field_Dict – An array of four integers that contain the product IDs of the fields to be compared.
IN_Date_Token_From – An array of four integers that contain the starting date token.
IN_Date_Token_To – An array of four integers that contain the ending date token.
IO_Max_Records – A long integer containing the maximum number of records that should be displayed in the SmartList.
IN_GetSummary – A boolean. The value true indicates the procedure is being called to generate a custom reminder. Records are not being added to the SmartList window. Instead, record counts or column totals are being returned.
IN_SummaryType – An integer that indicates the type of summary being generated. The value 0 indicates a record count is being returned. The value 1 indicates a column total is being returned.
IO_nSummaryCount – An integer containing the total number of records found when a record count summary is being generated for a reminder.
IN_nSummaryFieldDictID – The product ID that contains the field for which summary information is being generated.
IN_nSummaryFieldID – The resource ID of the field for which summary information is being generated.
IO_cyColumnTotal – A currency containing the total of the column for the records found when a column total summary is being generated for a reminder.