
This procedure is used in special cases where a field name changes, depending upon the document types. For example, in the Inventory Work table, the field identifying a document is called IV Document Number. In the Inventory History table it is called Document Number. This procedure will examine the document type and supply the correct name for the field.

The procedure must have the following parameters:

out string OUT_Field_Name;
in integer IN_Object_Dict_ID;
in integer IN_Object_Type;
in integer IN_Field_Dict_ID;
in integer IN_Field_Number;
in integer IN_Doc_Type;

OUT_Field_Name – A string that must be set by the procedure to the appropriate technical name for the column, based on the document type indicated.

IN_Object_Dict_ID – An integer specifying the ID of the dictionary that defines the SmartList object.

IN_Object_Type – An integer specifying the type of SmartList object. For SmartLists defined in the core application, the value corresponds to one of the constants defined in SmartList objects.

IN_Field_Dict_ID – An integer specifying the ID of the dictionary that defines the field for which an alternate name is being retrieved.

IN_Field_Number – An integer specifying the resource ID of the field for which an alternate name is being retrieved.

IN_Doc_Type – An integer that indicates which type of document the SmartList is processing. The value will be 1 for a Work document, 2 for an Open document, or 3 for a History document.

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