
This procedure is called when a SmartList object optimized for SQL Server is used, and search criteria have been specified. The SmartList will generate a SQL results set that contains the key values for the records to be displayed. This results set is passed into this procedure where it can be used to display the appropriate records.

The procedure must have the following parameters:

in integer IN_Object_Dict_ID;
in integer IN_Object_Type;
in integer IN_Total_SubItems;
in Explorer_Resource_List IN_Dict_List;
in Explorer_Resource_List IN_Field_List;
in long IN_Record_Count;
inout long SQL_Context;

IN_Object_Dict_ID – An integer specifying the ID of the dictionary that defines the SmartList object.

IN_Object_Type – An integer specifying the type of SmartList object.

IN_Total_SubItems – An integer containing the number of additional columns that are to be displayed in the SmartList.

IN_Dict_List– An array of 256 integers containing the product IDs for the fields that are to be displayed as columns in the SmartList.

IN_Field_List – An array of 256 integers containing the resource IDs for the fields that are to be displayed as columns in the SmartList.

IN_Record_Count – A long integer containing the current number of items displayed in the SmartList list view field.

SQL_Context – A long integer containing a reference to the SQL results set that contains the key values for the items to be displayed.

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