Security tasks are groups of operations that users can perform in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Microsoft Dynamics GP contains numerous predefined tasks. One task in Microsoft Dynamics GP has special significance. The DEFAULTUSER task contains all of the operations that every user of the system can perform. If you have resources in your integration that every user should be able to access, you will add them to the DEFAULTUSER task.
Each security task has the following elements:
Task ID This value uniquely identifies the security task. When creating new security tasks, be sure to follow the naming convention used for the predefined tasks in Microsoft Dynamics GP. The task names use the following convention:
The Type indicates the type of task. Typically, it will be ADMIN, CARD, INQ, RPT, or TRX. The Module indicates the module or application for which the task is defined. The Sequence is a numeric value that differentiates similar tasks.
Task Name This is the name that is displayed for the task. It should be descriptive, indicates what sort of tasks it is providing access to.
Task Description The description provides additional detail about exactly what resources the security task provides access to.
Category The category is used to group related security tasks.
To create a security task in Microsoft Dynamics GP, use the CreateSecurityTask() function of the sySecurityTask form. The following example uses this function to create the CARD_IGSAMPLE_01 security task for the sample integrating application.
local long status; local string taskID; taskID = "CARD_IGSAMPLE_01"; status = CreateSecurityTask(taskID, {ID} "Maintain leads", {Name} "Maintain lead information and setup.", {Description} CATEGORY_SALES of form sySecurityRoleEntry) of form sySecurityTask;
You can use the Exists() -- Security Task function to find out whether a task has been defined. |