The InfoValue_SetState() function defined in the syListObj form is used to set the value of the InfoValue column for a list. The InfoValue is a bitmask field, with several states that are set and retrieved independently.
InfoValue_SetState(InfoValue, state)
• InfoValue – The InfoValue column for the list.
• state – The state which will be set and displayed by the Information Icon for the list item. The value is an integer that corresponds to one of the following constants:
Constant |
Icon |
Priority |
Description |
Highest |
The item has an error. |
The item is part of a workflow. |
The item is on hold. |
The item is inactive. |
The item has been voided. |
A record-level note is attached to the item. |
A general-purpose icon indicating an action should be performed for the item. |
Lowest |
A general-purpose icon indicating additional information is available for the item. |
A boolean indicating the state had previously been set. The value true indicates the state had already been set, while the value false indicates it had not.
While the InfoValue column can keep track of all the individual states, the Information Icon in the list will display the icon for only the highest-priority state that has been set.