The Activate procedure of the Dummy_Presence_Form form is used to perform the action the user selected in the button drop list for a presence indicator.
Activate of form Dummy_Presence_Form, form_name, window_name, index, SIP_address, title, action, master_ID, master_type, master_address, product_ID
• form_name – A string specifying the name of the form. Typically, this parameter is set to the empty string.
• window_name – A string specifying the name of the window. Typically, this parameter is set to the empty string.
• index – An integer value that must be set to 0.
• SIP_address – A string specifying the SIP address for which the action is being performed. Typically, this value is retrieved from the corresponding Label_Presence field for the presence indicator.
• title – A string that specifies the additional text to display in the title of the messenger window when the action is performed.
• action – An integer that specifies the action to be performed. This corresponds to the position of the item the user chose from the button drop list.
• master_ID – A string parameter that is not used. Set this to the empty string.
• master_type – A string parameter that is not used. Set this to the empty string.
• master_address – A string parameter that is not used. Set this to the empty string.
• product_ID – An integer specifying the product ID for the product that contains the presence fields.