Query object

The Query object is used to access and set properties of a source query. It can be used only in scripts attached to queries.

Query.[property | method]


The following example is the Before Query script. It adds additional selection criteria to a query used for a vendor integration.

Query.AdditionalCriteria = “State = 'ND'”


AdditionalCriteria property

The AdditionalCriteria property allows you to add additional selection criteria to a text query or simple ODBC query.


object—The query object to which additional selection criteria is applied.

criteria—A string containing the additional criteria to apply.

You must set the AdditionalCriteria property in the Before Query script.

If you refer to a column whose name contains spaces or other special characters, be sure to enclose the column name in square brackets [].

You can use parentheses, logical AND, logical OR, Like and wildcard (%) operators in the criteria string, similar to how you use them in the Query Properties window.

object.AdditionalCriteria [= criteria]

object—The query object to which additional selection criteria is applied.

Query.AdditionalCriteria = “[Customer Name] Like 'A%'”


OverrideCriteria property

The OverrideCriteria property allows you to replace the selection criteria used for a text query or simple ODBC query.

object.OverrideCriteria [= criteria]

object—The query object for which the selection criteria will be replaced.

criteria—A string containing the criteria.

You must set the OverrideCriteria property in the Before Query script.

If you refer to a column whose name contains spaces or other special characters, be sure to enclose the column name in square brackets [].

You can use parentheses, logical AND, logical OR, Like and wildcard (%) operators in the criteria string, similar to how you use them in the Query Properties window.

The following example replaces the selection criteria for a query to include only customers from North Dakota.

Query.OverrideCriteria = “State = 'ND'”


OverrideFileLocation property

The OverrideFileLocation property allows you to specify a different file location for the source file used for a text query.

object.OverrideFileLocation [= path]

object—A query object for text query.

path—A string containing the new location of the source file. Note that this is the location of the source file. The name of the source file must remain the same.

You must set the OverrideFileLocation property in the Before Query script.

The following example is a Before Query script. It reads the value of the Path variable, which was set in the Before Integration script. Then it uses the path information to override the location of the source file for the query.

Query.OverrideFileLocation = GetVariable(“Path”)


QueryName property

The QueryName property returns a string containing the name associated with a query object.


object—A query object.

The following example is the Before Query script for a query. It retrieves the name of the query and sets a variable to be used later in the integration.

SetVariable “QueryName”, CStr(Query.QueryName)


DeleteSourceFile method

The DeleteSourceFile method allows you to delete the source file used for a text query.


object—The query object for which the source file will be deleted.

suppress—An optional boolean indicating whether the default confirmation warning will be suppressed. True indicates the warning will be suppressed.

You can use the DeleteSourceFile method in the After Query script.

The following example is the After Query script for a query. It deletes the source file from the query.



DeleteSourceRecords method

The DeleteSourceRecords method allows you to delete the source records from a simple ODBC query that was used for an integration.


object—The query object for which the source records used will be deleted.

suppress—An optional boolean indicating whether the default confirmation warning will be suppressed. True indicates the warning will be suppressed.

You can use the DeleteSourceRecords method in the After Query script.

If the integration was completed successfully, you may want to delete the records from the source query if they are no longer required.

The following example is the After Query script for a query. It deletes the source records from the query, without prompting the user.



ExecuteSQL method

The ExecuteSQL method allows you to execute a SQL statement for an ODBC query that was used for an integration.


object—The query object for which a SQL statement will be executed.

SQL_statement—A string containing the SQL statement to execute.

The ExecuteSQL method is typically used in the After Query script to complete any post processing, such as updating a status column, necessary for the data source.

The SQL statement you execute should not produce a result set.

The following example is the After Query script for an integration. It executes a SQL statement that updates the IntStatus column of the Vendors table to indicate which items were imported by Integration Manager.

query.ExecuteSQL(“Update Vendors Set IntStatus = 'Yes' where 
IntStatus = '' “)


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