CancelDocument function

The CancelDocument function cancels the current document for an integration and writes an entry to the log file.

CancelDocument [message, source, status_code, field_name, field_value]

message—An optional string parameter corresponding to the Message item that is written to the log file for the integration.

source—An optional string parameter corresponding to the source item that is written to the log file for the integration.

status_code—An optional long integer parameter corresponding to the Status Code item that is written to the log file for the integration.

field_name—An optional string parameter corresponding to the Field Name item that is written to the log file for the integration.

field_value—An optional string parameter corresponding to the Field Value item that is written to the log file for the integration.

All parameters for this function are optional.

The following example is the Before Document script for an integration. It examines the Fax number field and cancels the document if no fax number is available.

If IsNull(SourceFields(“Fax”)) Then
	CancelDocument “No fax number”, 5000, “Fax”
End If

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