LogDetail function

The LogDetail function writes an activity detail entry to the log file for an integration.

LogDetail [message, source, status_code]

message—An optional string parameter corresponding to the Log Text item of the activity detail entry written to the log file.

source—An optional string parameter corresponding to the source item of the activity detail entry written to the log file.

status_code—An optional long integer parameter corresponding to the Status Code item of the activity detail entry written to the log file.

All parameters for this function are optional.

The following example is the Before Integration script for an integration. It prompts the user for his or her name and writes the value to the log.

Dim Input
Input = InputBox(“Enter your user name.”, “User Name”)

If Input <> “” then
	LogDetail “User “& Input & “ ran the integration.”
	CancelIntegration “Didn’t supply a user name.”
End If

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