Static values

Certain control types allow you to specify static values for the data type. Static values are any text or pictures associated with a data type that are displayed by a field using that data type. For example, the text on a push button and the items in a list box are static values. To view the static values for a data type, click the Static Values lookup button.


Static text values

The following table lists the control types that use static text values.


Control type

Static text used to:

Button Drop List

Indicate the text on the button and the selections in the list.

Check box

Indicate the check box prompt name.

Drop-down list

Indicate the selections in the drop-down list.

List box

Indicate the selections in the list box.

Push button

Indicate the text displayed on the button.

Radio button

Indicate the name displayed next to the button.

Visual switch

Display two or more text values that will be displayed in sequence as the user clicks the visual switch.

The Button Items window is used to specify the static text for button drop lists and push buttons.


To edit a static text value, select the appropriate Up, Down or Over caption. Enter the new text and then click OK in the Button Items window to save the changes.

Push buttons can be clicked using access keys (pressing ALT in combination with a letter). When the push button is displayed, an underscore beneath one of the letters in the static text for the push button indicates the button has an access key. To define an access key, place an ampersand (&) in the static text value for the button before the letter that will act as the access key.

The Static Text Values window is used to specify the static text for check boxes, drop-down lists, list boxes, radio buttons and visual switches.


To edit a static text value, select it in the Static Text Values list. Make the appropriate changes in the New Value field, then click Replace. You can mark or unmark the Sort List option, depending on whether you want the static items sorted.

Static picture values

Some control types use graphics as static values. Two kinds of resources are used as static picture values:

The following table lists the control types that can use static picture values:


Control type

Static picture usage

Push button

Pictures and native pictures can be used for images on the button.

Check box

Pictures and native pictures for the control.

Button drop list

Pictures and native pictures can be used to indicate the images for the button part of a button drop list.

List view

Pictures can be used for items appearing in the list.

Tree view

Pictures can be used with nodes appearing in the tree.

Visual switch

Can display two or more pictures or native pictures to set up a sequence of images that will change as the user clicks the visual switch.

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