Formatting options

You can use several formatting options to change how specific types of data will appear. You can use them to specify the following characteristics:


The following tables describe the various formatting options:


Numeric formats

Decimal Digits

Number of decimal places (0 to 5).

Negative Symbol

The operating system setting, a minus sign, the letters CR, or parentheses.


Number is left-, center- or right-aligned.


Unused spaces are filled with asterisks, zeros or spaces.


If marked, the negative symbol won’t be displayed.

Show Thousands Separator

If marked, the field will show thousands separators in the number.

Show Percent Sign

If marked, the field will show the percent sign.


Currency formats

Decimal Digits

Number of decimal places (0 to 5).

Negative Symbol

The operating system setting, a minus sign, the letters CR, or parentheses.


Number is left-, center- or right-aligned.


Unused spaces are filled with asterisks, zeros or spaces.


If marked, the negative symbol won’t be displayed.

Show Thousands Separator

If marked, the field will show thousands separators in the number.

Relative Decimal Position

If marked, the number of decimal digits selected is added to the number in the operating system setting. The total can be up to 5 decimal digits.

Show Currency Symbol

If marked, the currency symbol specified in the operating system settings is displayed.


String and composite formats


String is left-, center- or right-aligned.


Unused characters are filled with asterisks, zeros or spaces.

Trailing Blanks

If marked, any spaces that follow the contents of the field will be saved in the table. If the option isn’t marked, any spaces following the item in the field won’t be saved. Leave unmarked to ensure that the same entry made with or without trailing blanks will be stored with the same value.

Leading Blanks

If marked, spaces can be entered as the first characters in the field. These spaces will be saved in a table.

Numeric Only

If marked, only numbers can be entered in the field.

Alphanumeric Only

If marked, only letters and numbers can be entered in the field.

Uppercase Only

If marked, all alphabetic characters will be displayed in uppercase.

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