
3D highlight

An Appearance property setting for push buttons that causes them to have a flat appearance until the mouse pointer is moved over the button. Then the button appears with a 3-D border.

Accelerator key

A key or set of keys on the keyboard that can be used as a “shortcut” to select a menu or menu option rather than using the mouse.

Access key

An underlined character in a menu name, menu item name or push button that allows users to select the item by typing the underlined character or by holding down the ALT key and typing the character.


A combination of numbers and letters.

Array field

A field containing multiple occurrences of the same type of information. The individual pieces of information stored by an array field are called elements.

Array index

The number designating a specific element within an array field.

Auto-linked table

The table specified in the AutoLinkTable window property. You can use the Modifier to add fields from the auto-linked table to the window.

Big line item

The area containing the fields that will be displayed for a scrolling window in expanded mode. See also Small line item.

Button drop list

A control type used to define data types that allow a user to select one item from a list of values. A series of static text values will appear, or “drop” when a user clicks a field that uses this control type.

Cancel property

A property that can be applied to a push button window field. If this property is set to true, pressing the ESC key produces the same result as clicking the push button.

Cascading menus

Submenus that appear to the right of a menu item.

Change flag

A boolean value associated with each form or window in an application. If the contents of the form or window change, the change flag is set to true, indicating the contents have changed.

Check box

A control type used to define data types that allow users to mark or unmark an option.

Check boxes have boolean storage types.

Combo box

A control type used to define data types that allow users to enter a text value or choose that value from a list.

The items in the list are determined by the static text values in the data type definition.


One field of a composite field.


A group of fields and their associated data types that form a single data type. Composite data types are defined by the composite control type and the fields that make up the composite.

Control type

The main characteristic of a data type, controlling the type of information that can be stored in fields that use that data type, and some aspects of how the information will be displayed. Commonly-used control types are push button, integer, check box, date and currency.

Core resources

Resources such as strings, data types or global fields that are used by several parts of an application. When the forms dictionary is created, the core resources in the application dictionary are copied to it.

Customization site enabler

A Microsoft Dynamics GP module that can be registered to allow access to modified forms without having to register the Modifier.

Data type

A resource that defines the characteristics for a field, such as its keyable length, control type (push button, check box, string and so on) and format. A single data type can be applied to several fields, but a field can have only one data type applied to it.

Default property

A property that can be applied to a push button window field. If this property is set to true, pressing the ENTER key or double-clicking a list box or scrolling window with the DefaultDblClick property set to true causes the push button to be clicked.

DefaultDblClick property

A property for list box fields, non-native list box fields, and scrolling windows. Double-clicking the list box or a line in a scrolling window with this property set to true causes the push button whose Default property set to true to be clicked. See also Default property.

Definition window

A window that allows you to create or edit a resource and specify its functional characteristics.


A group of resources that, when interpreted by the runtime engine, present a complete functioning application.

Drop-down list

A control type used to define data types that allow users to select one item from a list.

A series of static text values will appear, or “drop,” when a user clicks a field with this control type. The integer value corresponding to the position of the item chosen, not the item’s static text value, is stored when the user’s selection is saved.


One of the fields in an array field.


A field contains a single piece of information used by an application. A field can be displayed on a window or stored in a table. The kind of information the field displays or stores depends on the data type associated with it. See also Global field and Local field.


The indicator that shows the object being controlled in the current window.


A collection of windows, menus and other resources that function together for a common purpose.


The extra characters, spacing and attributes that can be applied to a data type when data is entered or displayed.

Format field

An integer field that specifies the format to use for a string or currency field.

Format string

A data “mask” used for string and composite formats. The format string allows extra characters to appear in a field without affecting the way data in the field is stored.

Forms dictionary

The dictionary that stores user-modified resources. This dictionary is created when the Modifier is accessed for the first time. Only copies of a dictionary’s resources are stored in the forms dictionary.

Global field

A field that can be displayed in windows and also stored in tables. The characteristics of global fields can be viewed with the Field Definition window. See also Local field.

Group box

A box drawn around a group of check boxes or other fields, using the rectangle tool, to visually group the items.

Keyable length

The number of characters that can be typed in a field.

Keyboard equivalent

A key combination that will activate a menu item as an alternative to selecting it with the mouse.

Launch file

A file that is used to start an application with the runtime engine. This file stores the location of the dictionaries that will be used, including the application dictionary and the forms dictionary.

Layout window

A window in the Modifier that allows you to design the layout of a window or scrolling window.

List box

A control type used to define data types that allow users to select one static text value from a list.

The list will appear with scroll bars if the information in the list is greater than the size of the list box field when it’s added to the Layout window. An integer position - not the static text - for the corresponding selection in a list box is stored when the selection is saved.

List field

Any field that uses a list box, drop-down list, multi-select list, button drop list, combo box or visual switch data type.

Local field

A field that’s available only within the form in which it’s created. Local fields are used as window fields. The Modifier can create local fields. See also Global field.


One of the items displayed on the menu bar across the top of the screen.

Menu item

One of the selections associated with a particular menu.


A type of resource that associates a text string with an ID. Messages are used to store the text that provides information or prompts a user to make a selection. Messages are also used to store other strings, such as the names of reports or the items that appear in the toolbar buttons.

Modal dialog

A window that contains no operating system controls and can’t be resized. Modal dialogs are used when you require the user to perform an action before continuing.

Modified form

The copy you make of the original form. Modified forms are added to the Forms dictionary. You can select the modified form and customize the windows belonging to it. See also Original form.

Multi-select list box

A control type used to define fields from which one or more static text values can be selected. The list will appear with scroll bars if the number of items in the list are greater than the size of the field when it was added to the Layout window.

Native pictures

Picture objects that are specific, or native, to a particular operating system. Metafiles and bitmap images are used as native pictures on Windows. Native pictures must be used for graphics that appear on push buttons and visual switches.

Original form

An unmodified form that is stored in its original dictionary. You must make a copy of an original form before you can make modifications to it. See also Modified form.

Package files

Special text files that are used to deliver customizations made with the Modifier, VBA, and the Report Writer.


A field property that allows you to hide entries in a field, such as when a password is being entered. If this property is set to true, an X will be displayed in place of each character a user enters, so that no one else can read the entry from the screen.

Picture library

A feature in the Modifier that allows you to store graphics in a generic format that can be used on any supported platforms.


The smallest graphical element displayed on a monitor. The pixel is the smallest unit of measurement in layout windows. You can move objects one pixel at a time within a layout window by using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Point size

The vertical size of a font. There are 72 points to an inch.

Progress indicator

A control type used for fields that shows the progress of processes in the application.


Text in a window that shows the user the information that is displayed or can be entered in the corresponding field or fields.


An attribute that can be assigned to fields, windows or graphical objects displayed in a window layout. For example, a window with the Resizeable property set to false cannot be resized by the user.

Push button

A control type used to define data types for buttons users can click to accomplish tasks.

Static text or pictures can be used to indicate the button’s function.

Radio button

A control type used to define data types that allow a single selection to be made from a group of two or more selections.

Radio buttons must be used with a radio group.

Radio group

A control type that’s used to group related radio buttons and store the value of the selected button.

A radio group’s value is stored as an integer corresponding to the selected radio button’s position in the tab sequence, beginning with 0. For instance, if the second radio button in the tab sequence is selected, the radio group’s value is 1.

Relative decimal position

An option for currency formats that sets the number of decimal digits that will be displayed to the indicated value plus the number of decimal places specified by the operating system. If your operating system displays two decimal positions and you specify three decimal digits for the format in the Format Definition window, the field will display a total of five decimal places.

Replacement marker

A placeholder (% followed by a number) that indicates where items may be substituted in messages.

Resource descriptions tool

A tool that displays information about the current dictionary’s fields, windows and tables.

Resource list window

A window in the Modifier that allows you to view all the resources of a particular type, such as fields.

Runtime engine

An application that’s used to interpret a dictionary. When a user starts an application, the runtime engine uses the resources in the dictionary to present a functioning application.

Scrolling window

A special type of window that allows the user to “scroll” through items.


A predefined category to which form and table resources are assigned. Series allow categorization of resources.

Small line item

The area containing the fields that will be displayed when a scrolling window is in standard mode. When a scrolling window is in expanded mode, additional fields below the small line item mark, but above the big line item mark will be displayed. See also Big line item.

Static picture value

A picture that’s displayed as part of a data type, such as the picture on a button drop list.

Static text value

Text that’s displayed as part of a data type, such as the name of a push button or the items in a list box.

Storage size

The size, in bytes, used store the information in a field. The storage size is specified in the field’s data type. It can’t be changed by the Modifier.

Storage type

One of the standard forms used to store the data in a field. The storage types are: boolean, integer, long, currency, currency (variable), string, text, date, and time. The control type determines which storage type is used to store the data in the field.

String resources

Sequences of up to 79 characters used throughout a dictionary for window names, field prompts and static text values.


The process of specifying the native picture on each platform that should be used as the static value for a single data type. When two pictures are synchronized, the Modifier will assign them the same internal ID. Thereafter, when a synchronized picture is displayed, the native picture that’s appropriate to the current platform will be displayed.

Tab sequence

The order in which the focus moves from one field to the next field when the user presses the TAB key.


A window that opens in conjunction with the Window Layout and Scrolling Window Layout windows. It contains tools used to place and arrange items in the layout area.

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

A development system created by Microsoft that can be embedded into applications. VBA is embedded into the Modifier, where it provides additional customization capabilities.

Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP

A development toolset based on the Microsoft .NET framework that can be used to create integrations for Microsoft Dynamics GP. Microsoft Visual Studio is the development tool used to create these integrations.


The work area used to enter and display information in a application.

Window field

A global or local field that has been added to a window layout.


A property for text fields that causes text to automatically continue to the next line when it extends beyond the right edge of the field.

Zoom pointer

A special cursor that appears when the pointer is over a push button field that has the Zoom property set to true. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, clicking the mouse when this pointer is over the field enables users to “zoom” to the window where records for the field can be added.

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