Starting the Report Writer

To begin using the Report Writer, log into the accounting system. If you’re using Microsoft Dynamics GP in a multiuser environment, verify that no other users are in the Report Writer and then perform the following steps:

  1. Start the Report Writer.

From the main Dynamics GP window:
In the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, choose Tools >> Customize >> Report Writer.

From individual task windows:
In the Tools menu, choose Customize >> Report Writer.

If the Report Writer item is dimmed, you have not been granted access through system security. Refer to Accessing Reports for more information about setting access to the Report Writer.

  1. Select the product to modify.

If you’re using additional products that integrate with Microsoft Dynamics GP, the following window will appear when you start the Report Writer.


Select the product whose reports you want to access, then click OK. If Microsoft Dynamics GP is the only product available, this window won’t appear.

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