Overview of headers and footers

If your report includes a field that contains the same value for several records, and that field is part of a key or a defined sorting order – for instance, the same invoice number for several line items – you can use an additional header to print that field once, then include its related fields from each record in the body of the report. When all records related to the current value of the common field have been printed, the next value of the common field will be printed, followed by its related fields, and so on. If an additional footer is based on this same common field, the additional footer will print before the next iteration of the additional header.

For instance, if you want to create a report listing each of your user classes and the users in each class, you could use an additional header to print the name of each class, followed by a list of the users in that class. Once all the records for the first user class are printed, the additional footer will be printed. Next, the additional header will be printed again, containing the name of the second user class, and so on.

The following illustration displays an example report that uses additional headers and footers.


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