Importing from a reports dictionary

The Import Reports capability allows you to open a reports dictionary from another installation of Microsoft Dynamics GP and import reports into the reports dictionary for the current installation.

The Import Reports capability is no longer the preferred method for transferring reports from one reports dictionary to another. Instead, we recommend that you use package files, as described in Packaging Reports.

To import reports, use the following procedure:

  1. Start the Report Writer.

If it isn’t already running, start the Report Writer.

  1. Open the Report Writer window.

Click the Reports button on the toolbar to open the Report Writer window.

  1. Open the Import Reports window.

Click Import in the Report Writer window to open the Import Reports window.

  1. Select the reports dictionary to import from.

Click the Source Dictionary lookup button to select the reports dictionary from which you want to import.

It’s important that both the source dictionary and the destination dictionary be based on the same version of the Microsoft Dynamics GP dictionary, and that they use the same account framework. Otherwise, reports may not be imported correctly.

  1. Select the reports to import.

In the Source Dictionary Reports list, select the reports you want to import, and click Insert.

  1. Import the reports.

Click Import to import the reports you have selected.

  1. Close the window.

After you have finished, click Close to close the Import Reports window.

  1. Validate the reports.

We recommend that you perform a validate operation on any reports you have imported.

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