Document structure

The report template document is a standard Microsoft Word document. When it is created from with Microsoft Dynamics GP, the additional information about the report definition is embedded into the document. The document is a single-sided, which means that there are no left-hand or right-hand pages.

Several tables in the report template document define the overall structure. All of the content that is displayed in the generated Word document is placed inside these tables. The following illustration shows the structure of a report template document.


Any text that is not within one of these single-cell tables will not be included in the generated Microsoft Word document for the report. It is common to add text to the document in the areas outside of the single-cell tables to describe the report template.

Page header table

The page header table is a table that is placed in the header of the Microsoft Word document. This corresponds to the page header for a standard Report Writer report. Because it is in the header of the Microsoft Word document, the content of the page header table is displayed at the top of every page of the generated report.

Report header table

The report header table is a table that is located at the beginning of the Microsoft Word document. This corresponds to the report header for a standard Report Writer report. The content of the report header table is displayed only one time at the beginning of the generated report.

Body table

The body table is a table that is located after the report header table of the Microsoft Word document. It contains the main content of the report. This includes the report body content, any additional headers, and any additional footers.

Report footer table

The report footer table is a table that is located at the end of the Microsoft Word document. This corresponds to the report footer for a standard Report Writer report. The content of the report footer table is displayed only one time at the end of the generated report.

Page footer table

The page footer table is a table that is placed in the footer of the Microsoft Word document. This corresponds to the page footer for a standard Report Writer report. Because it is in the footer of the Microsoft Word document, the content of the page footer table is displayed at the bottom of every page of the generated report.

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