The availability of some fields depends upon the type of additional section you're modifying or creating.
Displays the name of the additional header or footer. Most commonly the name describes the field that will cause the additional header or footer to print, or the field or fields that will be placed in the additional header or footer.
Specifies the number of records that should be printed each time in the report body before the additional footer is printed.
Typically, the number of records in the report body is controlled by the amount of space on the report; this selection allows you to print the same number of records in the report body each time. For example, if you enter 4, only four records will be printed in the report body, followed by the first additional footer. If there is room on the report for the report body to be printed a second time, an additional four records will be printed, followed again by the first additional footer.
The number of records you can specify is limited only by what will fit on the form you're using to print reports. If you specify a number of records that is too big for the amount of space available, the remainder of the records will be printed on the next page.
If the data in the field that determines when the additional footer is printed changes before the specified number of records is printed, blank records will be printed in the report body until the specified number of records is reached. If the report is a graphics report, any items included in the body, such as text, lines and so on will be printed in each of the blank lines; nothing will be printed in the blank records for text reports.
If you enter 0 in this field, the report will be printed normally, and no limit will be placed on the number of records that will be printed in the report body.
The fields in this group allow you to select the field that will cause the additional header or footer to be printed. The header or footer will be printed when the data stored in the specified field changes. This field is referred to as the field that the additional header or footer breaks on.
Displays all tables associated with the report. Choose the table containing the field that the additional header or footer breaks on.
Displays fields in the table you chose in the Report Table drop-down list. To select a field, highlight its name in the list.
The fields available for additional headers and footers to break on in the Header/Footer Options window are drawn from the main table's key or the sorting method, if one exists. If you create a sorting method or change the key used by the report, you could inadvertently exclude an additional section. If you're using additional headers and footers on your report, we recommend that you use caution if you use a different key or create a sorting method. |
The Page Break, Reset Report, Suppress Last Record's Footer, and No Break At Record Count selections are available only if you're modifying or creating an additional footer.
Allows you to specify whether a new page will begin each time the data in the specified field changes and the additional footer is printed. This selection is available only if you're modifying or creating an additional footer.
You can use this selection to create a page break that will occur every time the data in a specified field changes, without creating an additional footer that contains data. To do this, create an additional footer, highlight the appropriate field and mark Page Break, but don't place any fields in the additional footer in the report layout.
Allows you to reset the report; that is, to specify that the report headers and footers should be printed again each time the data in the field that causes the additional footer to print changes. If you're printing invoices that cover more than one page, it's best to mark this selection. When the data in the field changes - for instance, if the selected field is Invoice ID, all the line items for an invoice have been printed and the next invoice number is about to be printed - the report header will be printed again. A page break will occur each time the report is reset.
Allows you to suppress the last occurrence in a report of the additional footer you're defining.
If you mark this selection, you may wish to mark Reset Report, as well. If you don't, only the last occurrence of the additional footer on the entire report will be suppressed. If you mark Reset Report, each record will be considered a report; for instance, the check amount and the stub information for each check would be a report. In this case, the last occurrence of the additional footer will be suppressed for each check that's printed.
You also may wish to mark this selection if you're creating a layout for checks with a stub both on top and bottom. The stubs would be placed in the body, while the check would be placed in an additional footer. However, since only one check should be printed, the second additional footer should be suppressed.
Allows you to specify that the additional footer will be printed only when the data in the field that determines when the additional footer is printed changes. If you don't mark this selection and a number is entered in the Records Per Report Body field, the first additional footer will be printed each time that number of records is printed, regardless of whether the field that you've specified in the "Break when what field changes?" list has changed. This differs from typical additional footers, which are printed only when the specified field changes.
This selection shouldn't be marked if you're printing checks on preprinted forms, but you may wish to mark it if you're printing invoices on forms with more than one page.
Allows you to specify that the additional header or footer won't be printed if the specified calculated field is empty.
Displays the calculated fields created for the report. Select the field that, when it contains an empty value, will keep the additional header or footer from printing.
To use this feature, the section you wish to suppress should contain only one value. The expression in the selected calculated field should contain the table field printed in the section. Be sure to set the appropriate result type for the calculated field.
For instance, you could create a report containing invoice numbers and line items, with comments for each line item and each comment line in a different section. Typically, if there is no comment for an item, a blank line would be printed. However, if you create a calculated field containing the comment field and select it in the Calculated Field list, the section containing the comment won't be printed if the comment table field is empty.