Move method (field)


The Move method moves and resizes a window field.


field.Move ([Left [,Top [,Width [,Height]]]])


field – A window field object.

left – An integer specifying the distance from the field’s left border to the window’s border, measured in pixels. Your operating system’s settings for the active window border determines the width of the border.

top – An integer specifying the distance from the field’s top border to the top edge of the window’s client area, measured in pixels. The client area is the area of the window, less the window’s title bar.

width – An integer specifying the width of the field (measured in pixels).

height – An integer specifying the height of the field (measured in pixels).


You can use named arguments for the Move method, or enter arguments by position. If you use positional arguments, enter each in the order shown, using commas and empty string values ("") to indicate the relative position of arguments you don’t specify. Any unspecified arguments remain unchanged.

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