The BeforeAH event occurs before each instance of the specified additional header prints.
report_BeforeAH(ByVal Level As Integer, SuppressBand As Boolean)
• report – A report object.
• By Val Level As Integer – The index of the additional header the event will occur for. Since a report may have more than one additional header (indicated on the report layout by H1, H2 and so on), use the Level parameter to specify which additional header you want the event to occur for.
• SuppressBand As Boolean – If True, the instance of the specified additional header won’t print and no VBA events will occur for it. Other portions of the report won’t be affected.
Use the BeforeAH event to reference fields in an additional header. A report may have none, one or several additional headers. Each prints when the data in the field it is based on changes. If the report has only one additional header, the BeforeAH event occurs only for that additional header, and you don’t need to set a value for the Level parameter.