An IF/THEN/ELSEstatement enables any calculation to be conditional upon the results of any other column. You can refer to other columns, but not to a report cell in the IFstatement. Any calculation must be applied to the whole column.
For example, the statement IF B>100 THEN B ELSE C*1.25means the following: If the amount in column Bis greater than 100, place the value from column Bin the CALCcolumn. If the amount is not greater than 100, multiply the value in column Cby 1.25, and place the result in the CALCcolumn.
Always follow the IFclause with a logic statement that evaluates to TRUEor FALSE. The formulas that you use for both the THENclause and the ELSEclause can contain references to any number of columns, and can be as complex as you want.
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You cannot place the results of a calculation in any other column; the results must be in the column that contains the formula. |
For more information about creating IF/THEN/ELSEstatements, see IF/THEN/ELSE statements in a row definition .