A dimension-based account system includes an account dimension and other dimensions that can represent details, such as customers, projects, departments, or other areas of importance to your company. Each dimension can be variable in length. Typically, users specify the natural dimension values in a row definition and the responsibility dimension values in a reporting tree definition. When reports are generated, the values are combined in various ways to extract specific financial data records from your Microsoft Dynamics ERP system.

Dimension values

Management Reporter row definitions and reporting tree definitions support the use of special characters as a way to identify multiple dimension values without naming each item individually. The following table describes the characters that are supported for specifying dimension values.


Function for Row Definitions

Function for Reporting Tree Definitions

Ampersand (&)

In the Dimensionrow of the Insert Rows fromdialogue box, identifies the dimension from which to bring values into the row definition. These values become the basis of the rows in the generated report.

Ampersands are typically used for the account dimension.

Not used in a dimension-based system.

Hash (#)

In the Dimensionrow of the Insert Rows fromdialogue box, identifies the dimensions to ignore when bringing values into the row definition.

Hashes are typically used for the responsibility dimensions.

Not used.

Plus sign (+)

Not used.

In the segments area of the Insert Reporting Units fromdialogue box, identifies the dimensions from which to bring values into the row definition. These values become the reporting units in the reporting tree.

Digits (0-9)

In the Rangerows of the Insert Rows fromdialogue box, identify the first and last dimension values to bring into the row definition.

In the Link to Financial Dimensionscolumn of a row definition, identify the dimension values to include in the report for each row.

In the From Accountand To Accountcolumns of the Insert Reporting Units fromdialogue box, identify the first and last dimension values to bring into the reporting tree definition.

In the Dimensionscolumn of a reporting tree definition, identify the dimension value to include in the reporting unit for each row.

Letters (a-z, A-Z)

Used in the same ways as digits.

Question mark (?)

A placeholder for a single character in a dimension value. For example, the value 22?? indicates that Management Reporter should insert the total financial amount for all dimension values in the range from 2200 through 2299 into the generated report.

Asterisk (*)

A placeholder for one or more characters in a dimension value. For example, for a colour dimension, the value GR* indicates that Management Reporter should insert the combined financial amount for the GREEN and GREY dimension values into the generated report.