You can configure a server connection to a remote or local server in Report Designer or Report Viewer. For example, you might need to change a configuration when Management Reporter server components have been installed on a new server. When you change the connection in Report Designer, it is updated it in Report Viewer as well.
Configure the server connection
in Report Designer
Whenever you change a server connection, Report Designer starts using the modified connection without restarting the application. Close all building blocks before you begin.
In Report Designer, select the Toolsmenu, and then click Connection.
In the Connectiondialogue box, type the application server address (URI) for the connection in the Serverfield.
A fully-qualified Management Reporter Server URI follows this format: Protocol://destination:port. For example: http://mrservermachine:4712
The following table explains the components of a fully-qualified URI:
http://and https://are supported.
If you do not type the protocol, http://is added to the URI.
Type the name of the server for destination.
If you type only the destination name, the protocol and port information is added to the URI.
You can type a fully-qualified URI.
You can type the port.
If you do not enter the port, it is added to the URI.
You are not required to enter the trailing slash (/). If you do not enter the trailing slash, it is added to the URI, but not displayed in the URI server box.
The default port is localhosttogether with the local server.
Click Test Connectionto test the connection to the server. This connection remains until it is changed by a user in the application. If the server connection fails, verify that you entered the correct server name.
After you click Test Connection, the URI is updated to reflect any URI segments added. For example, if you did not add the port to the URI, the URI is updated to display the port after you click the Test Connectionbutton.
Configure the server connection
in Report Viewer
When you change the connection in Report Viewer, connection for Report Designer is updated, also. Close all reports before you begin.
In Report Viewer, select the Toolsmenu, and then click Connection.
In the Connectiondialogue box, type the application server address for the connection in the Serverfield.
Click Test Connectionto test the connection to the server. This connection remains until it is changed by the user in the application. If the server connection fails, verify that you entered the correct server name.