1. Click > > > > .

  2. Createa consumption unit, such as kilometer (km), kilogram (kg), or hour.

    A consumption unit can be used as a reference for unit price entry for fixed assets and in the calculation of proposals in the journal.

  3. Click > > > > .

  4. Createa consumption factor.

  5. In the right-hand pane, set up an for each depreciation period.

  6. Determine whether to set up the consumption factor as a or , and enter appropriate values in one field or the other.

  • If you enter a , the quantity estimated for the fixed asset in the field on the fixed asset value model ( ) is multiplied by the percentage set up for the period determined by the , and this multiplied quantity is suggested as the depreciation quantity for the period.

  • If you enter a , the quantity set up for the period determined by the is suggested as the depreciation quantity in the proposals.

  1. Click > , select the fixed asset for which you are setting up consumption depreciation, and then click or

  2. On the tab of the relevant value model, select appropriate values in the and fields.

Note Note

If the fixed asset does not yet have a value model or depreciation book attached to it, you must select an appropriate value model or depreciation book or set up an appropriate value model or depreciation book and then select it for the fixed asset.

  1. Enter values in the and fields. These fields are used when you run proposals in journals.

See Also