1. You can edit a registration during the approval process ( > ).

. Typical edits include:

  • Register an absence.

  • Apply an altered pay agreement by overriding the standard pay agreement for the employee.

  • Can add premium lines such as mileage.

Other edits to registrations are made during calculation process. For more information, see Edit registrations during calculation.

Register an absence during approval

  1. Select the employee.

  2. Click the tab.

  3. In the list, click your selection.

Override a pay agreement

You can override the pay agreement for a specific employee if this is necessary to generate the correct pay for the day.

  1. Select the employee.

  2. Click and select .

  3. Click .

  4. Make the necessary changes to the pay agreement lines for the day.

Add manual premium lines

  1. Select the employee.

  2. Click .

  3. Press Ctrl+N to create a new premium line and make selections regarding quantity and price.

Note Note

Use the box to assign the cost to a specific job.

Allocate overtime

Overtime can be allocated to the relevant jobs performed during the day.

  1. Select the employee.

  2. Click .

  3. In the box, enter a percentage for each job.

Note Note

Total allocation must always be 100%.

See Also