Objects are all the things on which you can perform service. Depending on the type of service you provide, objects can be tangible or intangible:

  • Tangible objects are things, such as a machine or a building, on which you can perform a physical service task.

  • Intangible objects are abstract entities, such as a set of accounts or a legal document, upon which service tasks are performed.


Company A does the accounts for a number of small companies. One of A's clients is the local football team, for which it does the weekly bookkeeping and annual audit of the club's accounts. The club's accounts are set up in the form and specified as the object in the service agreement. There are two service agreement lines for the object; line 1 is weekly bookkeeping with a once weekly interval on it and line 2 is the annual audit with a once yearly interval on it.

Service object items

A service object can also be an item that you register in the form. Depending on the inventory dimension group you attach to the item, you can register the service object down to the level of item serial number. This is useful when you need to keep track of the exact item the service object represents. For more information, see About inventory dimensions.

However, a service object can also be something not directly related to a company's direct production or supply chain, in which case you do not register it as an item.

See Also