The following prioritized options are available for fixed asset numbering.

  1. A number sequence is set up in the form.

    If the fixed asset group is set up with a group-specific number sequence and is selected for automatic numbering, the new fixed asset number is from the number sequence of the fixed asset group.

  2. A general number sequence is set up in on the tab.

    If no number sequence exists for the particular fixed asset group, but a number sequence has been set up in , and if is selected, a number is assigned from the parameter number sequence.

  3. Number sequences have been set up for some fixed asset groups and in .

    Number sequences for fixed asset groups have higher priority than the general number sequence in . Therefore, whenever a number sequence exists for the fixed asset group, the number is allocated from the fixed asset group number sequence.

    If a fixed asset belongs to a fixed asset group and does not have its own number sequence, fixed asset numbers are assigned from the parameters number sequence.

  4. No number sequences for fixed asset groups exist and the check box at the end of the last depreciation period is not selected.

    With this setup, no fixed asset number is allocated but must be entered manually.