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Use this form to view the taxonomy elements in alphabetical order, along with the properties and relationships. Taxonomy elements are used to express information used in the creation, exchange, and comparison tasks of business reporting. You also can find elements in the structure and view their properties, and set mapping for nonmonetary data types, such as dates, shares, and texts.

For more information about taxonomies, refer to the XBRL International Web site.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Displays information about relationships between elements so that the taxonomy content is properly organized.

Displays the definitions of basic validation rules, which apply to all instance documents referring to a particular taxonomy.

Displays the different types of relationships between the elements.

Displays all labels available for the elements. You can create a label for each language, value, and role.

Displays all references to additional information about a taxonomy element.

Displays properties of the element, including taxonomy information and the specific value of the element.




The authoritative source of the element that is selected.

The language code for the label value.

The label for the element that is selected, if there is one.

The role of the label. For instance, depending on the role, this might be a description.

The name of the taxonomy element.

The type of the taxonomy element.

The values of the taxonomy if the element is of a monetary value.

The item for a regular element or for a tuple, which is a complex element consisting of two or more elements that should be interpreted together. For example, First name and Last name could be a tuple.

The instance or duration of the taxonomy element.

The unique identifier for the taxonomy element.

Mark this check box if the element cannot be reported in instance documents.

The meaning of the element used to facilitate mapping. This field can be blank.

Displays if the element can be empty.

Mark this check box to use the information entered in the field when you generate financial statement lines.

The starting date for the taxonomy.

The amount of the taxonomy element.




Transfer the element that is selected and all of the branches for the element to an existing row definition for further mapping and reporting.

Open a form when you can view information about the taxonomy element references in row definitions.

Update the default labels according to the selected label language and role.

See Also