Use this form to create or reverse ledger journals for amount difference transactions, tax difference transactions, and exchange adjustment transactions.

Open the form

  1. Click General ledger> Journals> Tax register journal> Ledger journal.

  2. Select Tax differences, Amount difference, or Exchange adjustmentto open the Journal headerform.


  1. Click Fixed assets> Common Forms> Tax register journal> Ledger journal.

  2. Select Assessed tax, Transport tax, or Land taxto open the Journal headerform.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





  • Create journal- Create journal lines on the basis of the registers and the assigned compression principle.

  • Reverse journal- Create journal lines of the reversed transactions for the most recently posted journal.




Calculation period

Select a month and year for the calculation period.

Journal type

The type of journal:

  • Basic– Tax accrued journal, created automatically.

  • Cancelation– Canceled tax accrued journal.


This check box is selected automatically after the journal is reversed.

See Also