Before you can create a ledger journal of amount difference transactions, you must set up and calculate the Amount difference in tax accountingregister.

  1. Click General ledger> Journals> Tax register journal> Lines.

  2. Select the Amount difference in tax accountingjournal line, and then click Register calculation> Calculate currentto calculate the register.

    Note Note

    After calculation, the status of the register is displayed as Calculatedin the Statusfield.

  3. After calculating the register, select the Approvedcheck box to approve the register.

  4. In the Employeefield, view or modify the code of the employee who approved the register.

  5. Press CTRL+S or close the form to return to the Tax register journalform.

  6. In the Tax register journalform, press CTRL+S to save the settings, and then click Ledger journal> Amount difference.

  7. In the Journalform, click Create> Create journalto create a new journal with a line for each calculated amount difference.

    Note Note

    To view the created journal lines, click Lines.

  8. Click Post> Postto post the transactions with amount difference in the specified ledger accounts.

    Note Note

    In the Journalform, the Postedfield is activated after the journal is posted.

  9. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

See Also