In Lithuania, you must print both the full and short names of all currency units in the Lithuanian language on company financial documents. You can set up the singular and plural spellings in the nominal and genitive cases for currency units and the parts of each currency.

  1. Click General ledger> Setup> Exchange rates.

  2. In the Currencyfield, press CTRL+N to enter the local currency, such as LTL.

  3. Click Declensionto open the Monetary unit declensionsform.

  4. In the Languagefield, select the local language.

  5. In the Name of unitsfield group, enter the singular and plural spellings for the currency units in the nominal and the genitive cases, in the following fields:

    • In the Singular nominativefield, enter the singular spelling for the currency units.

    • In the Plural nominativefield, enter the plural spelling for the currency units.

    • In the Plural genitivefield, enter the unit currency name in the plural genitive.

  6. In the Name of partsfield group, enter the singular and plural spellings for the currency unit parts in the nominal and the genitive cases, in the following fields:

    • In the Singular nominativefield, enter the singular spelling for the currency part.

    • In the Plural nominativefield, enter the plural spelling for the currency part.

    • In the Plural genitivefield, enter the part currency name in the plural genitive.

  7. In the Shortcut name of unitsfield, enter the shortcut name for the unit of currency.

  8. In the Shortcut name for partsfield, enter the shortcut name for the parts of the currency.

  9. Select the Conjunction 'and' between units and partscheck box to print the conjunction andbetween the currency units and the unit parts.

  10. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

See Also