General ledger> Setup> Financial reports generator> Financial reports generator> Setup

Use this form to set up cell operations and create cell reports.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.


Upper pane




View or enter a list of report cells and their main parameters.


Modify the main parameter of the selected report cell.


Enter information to filter transactions by financial dimensions.

Tax registers

Enter the register code and the register field name.

Note Note

This tab is available when you select Registerin the Line typefield.

Type of transactions

Enter parameters for filtering transactions.

Note Note

This tab is available if you select Transactionsin the Line typefield.

Reversing entry

Enter the transaction type for filtering transactions based on reverse entries.

Note Note

This tab is available in the Type of transactionstab.

Type of operation

Enter information for filtering transactions by transaction type.

Note Note

This tab is available in the Type of transactionstab.


Enter information for filtering transactions by accounting type.

Note Note

This tab is available in the Type of transactionstab.

Lower pane




View or enter the calculation sequence for the cell value that is selected in the upper pane of the form.


Modify the calculation sequence.


Enter information to filter transactions by financial dimensions.

Tax registers

Enter the register code and the register field name.

Note Note

This tab is available when you select Registerin the Line typefield.

Type of transactions

Enter parameters for filtering transactions.

Note Note

This tab is available if you select Transactionsin the Line typefield.

Reversing entry

Enter the transaction type for filtering transactions based on reverse entries.

Note Note

This tab is available in the Type of transactionstab.

Type of operation

Enter information for filtering transactions by transaction type.

Note Note

This tab is available in the Type of transactionstab.


Enter information for filtering transactions by accounting type.

Note Note

This tab is available in the Type of transactionstab.





Open the Financial reports generator parameters copyingform to copy a cell, all of its settings, and cell operations from any report for any company into the current report.

Account interval

Set up account intervals and corresponding ledger accounts for which the cell operation values will be calculated.

Note Note

This button is activated when you select Intervalin the Account intervalor Offset intervalfield.

Edit the query

Set up a free query that will calculate values for cell operations.

Note Note

This button is activated when you select Function queryin the Line typefield.


Move the selected line one position up.


Move the selected line one position down.





Select the cell requisite for each section of the electronic report.

Note Note

This field is available when you select the document template in the Templatefield in the Reportform.


Enter the cell name from the template that was created.


Enter a description of the cell.

Line type

Select the default data source for the report from the following options:

  • Transactions

  • Budget

  • Register

  • Constant

  • Function query

  • Contractor

  • Fixed requisite

Budget model

Select the default budget model number.

Note Note

This field is activated when you select Budgetin the Line typefield.


Select the default voucher calculation period.

Manual data input

Select this check box to enter cell values manually when opening a report from the Financial report generator.

By default

Enter the default amount value for the cell.

Note Note

This field is activated when you select the Manual data inputcheck box.

Transaction usage

Select the type of transaction to be taken into account when creating the report from the following options:

  • All– View all transactions.

  • Only reversing entry– View reverse transactions.

  • Without reversing entry– Hide reverse transactions.

Transaction type

Select the required voucher type.

Note Note

The voucher type determines which module that the transactions will be used from when generating the report.

Posting layer

In the Posting layerfield, select the accounting type from the following options:

  • Current

  • Operations

  • Tax

  • Operations minus tax

  • Only operations

  • Only tax

  • Operations plus tax

  • Total

  • Dual warehouse

Register code

Select the tax calculation register code.

Note Note

This field is available on the Tax registerstab when you select Registerin the Line typefield.

Register field

Select the register field name.

Note Note

This field is available on the Tax registerstab when you select Registerin the Line typefield.


Select the correct dimension type from the following options:

  • Department

  • Cost center

  • Purpose


Select the starting code for the dimension range, whose transactions should be included in the report.


Select the ending code for the dimension range, whose transactions should be included in the report.


Select the function to be applied to the calculated value from the following options:

  • +

  • -

  • *

  • /

Note Note

The Operatorfield is used to set up the sign of the amount that will be exported into the cell and also used as a mathematical sign when setting up multiple-line composite vouchers. All credit vouchers with operation type Credit balance, Sales turnover credit, and Turnover in correspondence Credit, should be marked with a minus sign ( -). By default, a new line (new voucher) has the plus sign ( +).


Enter the value to be used in the calculation.

Note Note

This field is activated when you select Constantin Line typefield.

Type of operation

Select the type of operation from the following options:

  • Balance– The ledger account transaction amount on a specific date.

  • Credit balance– The credit ledger account transaction amount on a specific date.

  • Debit balance– The debit ledger account transaction amount on a specific date.

  • Turnover– The transaction amount for the ledger for the period.

  • Credit activity– The credit transaction amount for the ledger for the period.

  • Debit activity– The debit transaction amount for the ledger for the period.

  • Turnover in correspondence– The transaction amount for the ledger in correspondence with other ledger accounts for the period.

  • Turnover in correspondence Debit– The debit transaction amount for the ledger in correspondence with other ledger accounts for the period.

  • Turnover in correspondence Credit– The credit transaction total for the ledger in correspondence with other ledger accounts for the period.

  • Active balance (debit)– Depending on the line type selected, the following lines are calculated:

    • The balance for the ledger account across all combinations of financial dimensions. The calculated debit balances for dimensions are added, for example, Transactionline type.

    • The active balance for the ledger account by customers, contracts, or documents, for example, Contractorline type.

  • Passive balance (credit)– Depending on the line type selected, the following lines are calculated:

    • Balance for the ledger account across all combinations of financial dimensions. The calculated debit balances for dimensions are added, for example Transactionline type.

    • The passive balance for ledger account by counteragents, contracts, or documents, for example, Contractorline type.

Note Note

Active balance (debit)and Passive balance (credit)operations types are calculated differently, depending on the line type that is selected.

Balance type

Select the balance type from the following options:

  • Incoming– The balance on the starting date of the period.

  • Outgoing–The balance on the ending date of the period.

Note Note

This field is activated if you select Balance, Credit balance, Debit balance, Active balance (debit), or Passive balance (credit)in the Type of operationfield.

Fixed requisite

Select the requisite for the cell report.

Note Note

This field is activated when you select Fixed requisitein the Line typefield.

Account Interval

Select to calculate the cell for one account or for several accounts from the following options:

  • Account

  • Interval


Select the account that the cell operation calculation will be performed for.

Note Note

This field is activated if you select Accountin the Account Intervalfield.

Offset interval

Select whether one or several offset accounts will be specified from the following options:

  • Account

  • Interval

Note Note

This field is activated when you select Turnover in correspondence, Turnover in correspondence Credit, or Turnover in correspondence Debitin the Type of operationfield.

Corr. Account

Select the ledger account that corresponds to the main account.

Note Note

This field is activated when you select Accountin the Offset intervalfield

Balance detail

Select the level of detail to use when calculating the active-passive balance from the following options:

  • Document

  • Agreement

  • Contractor

Note Note

This field is available when you select Contractorin the Line typefield.

See Also