The following topics provide information about paying for a product or service.

(HUN) Receive and enter vendor invoices

(HUN) Manage vendor settlements

Pay for product or service business process component forms

The following table lists the forms that support the Pay for product or service business process component. The table is organized by task and then alphabetically by form name.

Note Note

You may require additional information or specific parameter settings in order to navigate to some of these forms.

Business process component task

Form name


Receive and enter vendor invoices

Invoice journal (modified form)

Post a purchase invoice with a selected VAT register date.

Purchase orders (modified form)

Enter and post a purchase order for a specific VAT register date and EU transaction type.

Manage vendor settlements

Invoice register journal lines (modified forms)

Enter a single vendor payment transfer.

Purchase orders (modified form)

Enter a purchase transaction within the EU.