You can import the exchange rate from the Lithuanian bank Web site.

Set up the bank Web address

  1. Click General Ledger> Setup> Parametersto open the General ledger parametersform.

  2. Click the Ledgertab.

  3. In the WWWfield, enter the Web address of the bank.

Import the exchange rate from the bank Web site

  1. Click General Ledger> Setup> Exchange ratesto open the Exchange ratesform.

  2. Click Exchange rates importto open the Imports exchange rateform.

  3. Select the Import new currencies fieldcheck box to import new currency codes.

  4. Select the Update fieldcheck box to update the existing exchange rates.

  5. In the Timeoutfield, enter the time interval for the next connection.

  6. Select the Result info fieldcheck box to see the info log.

  7. Enter the starting date and the ending date for importing the exchange rate in the From dateand To datefields.

  8. Click OK.

See Also