1. Click General ledger> Setup> Exchange ratesto open the Exchange ratesform.

  2. Press CTRL+N to create the currency that your company uses and enter the required details.

    Note Note

    For more information, see "Exchange rates (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.

  3. Click Declensionsto open the Monetary unit declensionsform.

  4. On the Overviewtab, in the Languagefield, select the language for which the currency unit declension fields will be populated.

  5. Under the Name of unitsfield group, in the Singular nominativefield, enter the name in singular nominative.

  6. In the Plural nominativefield, enter the currency name in plural nominative.

  7. In the Singular genitivefield, enter the currency name in singular genitive.

  8. In the Plural genitivefield, enter the currency name in plural genitive.

  9. Under the Name of partsfield group, in the Singular nominativefield, enter the fractional currency name in singular nominative.

  10. In the Plural nominativefield, enter the fractional currency name in plural nominative.

  11. In the Singular genitivefield, enter the fractional currency name in singular genitive.

  12. In the Plural genitivefield, enter the fractional currency name in plural genitive.

  13. In the Shortcut name of unitsfield, enter the shortcut name of currency units.

  14. In the Shortcut name for partsfield, enter the shortcut name for part of currency.

  15. Select the Conjunction 'and' between units and partscheck box to print the conjunction 'and' between units and parts.

  16. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

Note Note

This data will be used when printing reports and primary forms. The invoice currency code is printed if the invoice currency differs from the default currency of the company.

See Also