1. Click Bank> Journals> Slip journal> Linesto enter the details of a cash advance disbursement.

  2. Click the Overviewtab, and then press CTRL+N.

  3. In the Datefield, enter the date that the journal is posted.

  4. In the Accountfield, enter the account number for the current account type.

  5. In the Creditfield, enter the credit amount.

  6. In the Offset account typefield, select Adv. holder.

  7. In the Offset accountfield, enter the advance holder code.

  8. In the Currencyfield, select the currency code.

  9. Click the Cash ordertab.

  10. In the Reasonfield, enter the reason for the reimbursement or disbursement.

  11. In the Documentfield, enter the name of the document that forms the basis for the advance.

  12. In the Document datefield, enter the date of the document.

  13. Click Documents approval, and select Approveto approve the document. After approving the document, the disbursement slip will be assigned a number.

  14. Click Print, and then click Print journalto print the disbursement.

  15. Click Post, and then click Postto post the disbursement. Transactions are made to the general ledger, advance holder account, and cash account.

  16. Click Inquiries, and select View marked transactionsto view the accounting operations of the general ledger.

  17. Press CTRL+S or close the Journal voucherform.

  18. Click Accounts payable> Common Forms> Advance holdersto open the Advance holdersform.

  19. Click Transactionsto view the transactions for the advance holder.

  20. Press CTRL+S or close the Adv. holder transactionsform.

See Also