1. Click Fixed assets> Transfer journals> FA transfer.

  2. Press CTRL+N and then enter the required details.

  3. Click Linesto open the Transfer lines creationform.

  4. Click Selectto select the required criteria in the Assetsform.

  5. Click OKto transfer the details to the Transfer lines creationform.

  6. Click OKto open the Lines of FA transfer journalform.

    Note Note

    Records are created in the journal for all assets or inventory assets that have entries in the Locationand Previous person in chargefields. The form header shows the information specified in the journal batch. Where applicable, you can add or delete lines on the Overviewtab.

  7. Click Close. Information about the asset transfer will be kept in history.

  8. Click Printto set the print options and print an invoice for the asset transfer.

See Also