Accounts payable> Inquiries> Journals> Facture


Accounts receivable> Inquiries> Journals> Facture

Use this form to view a facture journal.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





View facture information.


View the facture information and corrected facture details.


View the ledger transaction voucher number.


View the consignee, shipper, and delivery address details.

(Lower Section)


View information for the invoice lines included in the facture.

(Lower Section)


View information for the purchase or sales facture source and the invoice included in the facture.

(Lower Section)


View tax information in the factured invoice line.

(Lower Section)


View the financial and inventory dimension values.

Foreign trade

Define information related to foreign trade transactions.





Print the facture.

  • Original- Print the original facture.

  • Copy -Print a copy of the facture.


Open the Voucher transactionsform to view the ledger transactions.

Note Note

This button is active for certain types of factures, such as prepayment, amount difference, and exchange adjustment.


Open the Vendor transactionsor Customer transactionsform to view the vendor or customer transaction.

Note Note

This button is active for certain type of factures, such as prepayment, advance report, and tax correction.


Open the facture source:

  • For factures from the order and invoice journal, open the Invoice Journalform.

  • For factures from advance reports, open the Advance reportsform.

  • For factures from tax correction transactions, open the General journalform.


Delete the facture.

(Lower Section)


Open the facture source:

  • For factures from the order and invoice journal, open the Invoice Journalform.

  • For factures from advance reports, open the Advance reportsform.

  • For factures from tax correction transactions, open the General journalform.

(Lower Section)


Open a menu with the following items:

  • Transactions -Open the Transactionsform to view the purchase or sales order.

  • Dimensions display- Open the Inventory dimensionsform to set up inventory dimensions for the invoice and packing slip.

Export VAT

Cancel the assigned type of outgoing VAT processing operation for factures.

Cancel processing

Cancel the current preliminary processing operation.

Cancel all

Cancel all preliminary processing operations.




Facture source

Select the facture source document type as Invoice, Prepayment, Advance report, Tax correction, Amount difference, All, Exchange adjustment, Advance adjustment, VAT adjustment, or Facture.


The facture number.

Date of the registration

The facture registration date.

Facture date

Enter the facture creation date.

Amount incl. sales tax

The facture amount including tax.


The facture amount without tax.

Sales tax amount

The calculated sales tax amount.


The facture currency.

Invoice account

The counteragent account.

Print in national currency

Select this check box to print the document in national currency.

VAT on payment

Shows that the facture will be included in the sales book after the payment settlement.


The facture number.

Facture date

Select the facture creation date.


Shows if the facture was canceled.


The cancelation date.


The voucher number in the ledger.


Shows that the facture is canceled.

Note Note

This check box is automatically selected when canceling the amount of the exchange adjustment during settlement.


The invoice identification number.

Item name

The item description.


The identification of the configuration.


The identification of the item color.


The identification of the item size.


The identification of the warehouse.

Batch number

The batch dimension of the item.

Serial number

The serial number dimension of the item.

Custom decl. ID

The customs declaration number.

Unit quantity

The item quantity for the facture line.

Amount currency

The amount in the transaction currency.


The item price for each invoice.

Sales tax amount

The calculated sales tax amount in the sales tax settlement currency.


The country or region name.

Line type

The facture line type.


The item unit identification.

Internal invoice

The internal identification of the invoice.


The invoice transaction date.

Line No

The identification of the line.

Item number

The facture line item number.

Lot ID

The identification of item lot.

Dimension No

The identification of dimensions of the item.


The reference to the source order number.

Number sequence group

The group for allocation of different number sequences to different customers and vendors.

Discount amount

The discount amount for each invoice.

Multiline discount

The multi-line discount amount for each invoice.

Line discount

The discount amount for each invoice line.

Exchange rate

The cost for invoice in foreign currency.

Excise amount

The excise tax amount.

Excise value

The effective excise value.


The invoice line tax amount with the standard VAT, reduced VAT, and VAT 0% tax type (tax code setup).

VAT value

The tax rate for each invoice from the tax code settings.

VAT type

The type of tax for the current invoice transaction.


The identification code of the site.

Export date

Select the date when the goods were exported under customs export conditions.

Package date

Select the date of document package collection.

Confirmation date

Select the confirmation date of VAT at the 0% rate by the tax authority.

Expiration date

The expiration date of the specified period for document collection to confirm the right to use VAT at the 0% rate.

Note Note

This date is calculated according to the Export dateand the number of days in the export confirmation period.

Latest status change date

The date of the latest change of the operation type.

Into processing

Shows that the facture will be included into VAT processing.

Operation type

Shows the current operation type for outgoing VAT processing as

VAT 0%, Unconfirmed VAT 0%, VAT 0% with correction, Unconfirmed VAT 0% with correction, Overdue confirmation, or Unconfirmed VAT 0% cancellation.


The original facture number.

Date of registration

The original facture registration date.

Date of fine calculation

Shows the end date for fine calculation.

Fine amount

The calculated fine amount.

See Also